My "Soulmates"

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            The first girl I dated lasted 20 minutes. I was a clumsy kid so when I stepped on her leg at the age of fifteen, she didn't even say goodbye. Her name was Martha. Martha avoided me in the hallways at school. Then my uncle and I moved a month later and it was all fine. The new house is where my bisexual awakening happened, which by the way, sucked. 

            At fifteen I had known that I had crushes on guys before, but I called it a fluke every time. Then I met Damien at my new school and my heart raced a million miles an hour when he asked me out. I said yes and when he kissed me I was so happy. Damien and I were together for 3 months before my uncle found out and we moved. He said Damien was a bad influence on me. It was gonna happen sooner of later, cause it hurt when he bit my lip, which if we were soulmates wouldn't have been possible.

            I didn't date again for a while, I was hurt about Damien but I got scared of my uncle. When I moved out at 20, and went to the police academy, I was able to date anyone. So I dated a girl named Ruth. She was really bad about rolling on top of me in the middle of the night. Which hurt sometimes depending on whether or not she was on her side or her back when she calmed down. So yeah, not a soulmate. Then I didn't date for about 4 years. Just focused on my stuff and got better at my job. Then I dated Maria and we all know how that ended.  Otherwise I had one night things with a few girls. One was my best and worst decision at the same time. I ended up getting her pregnant. Which gave me my beautiful daughter but her mother left her with me without any help whatsoever. I will always regret not trying to make it work with her mom, but her mom had found her soulmate, so there was nothing I could do.

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