Entitled Fucking Orangutan

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           I walked into the Target checkout lane. There were two men checking out together in front of me. The cashier was checking them out and asked for the cardholder's I.D. The man gave it to her and the cashier's face contorted. The woman at the register said loudly "Thank you Ma'am. Now we just have to get legislators to let us refuse service to your kind and everything will be fine." The man just shrunk down into a nervous stance but the other man stood up and said "Look you entitled fucking orangutan, he is a human being and should be regarded as such. As well as you have no idea what he is. You could have just said that to a cis woman and it would have been out of line, but because he isn't cis he doesn't get that right." I decided to speak up as well. "Why don't you just keep your opinions to yourself as everyone is allowed in this public place. Seriously just let this man buy his alcohol and go." My daughter was holding onto my arm and started hiding as attention was being drawn to us. I bent down and told her to go get us a bag of candy so she could not be here while I was speaking up for others though I still wouldn't stick up for myself. 

            The woman at the register gave me a hard glare and said "Why is a good straight man like you standing up for these gay pieces of shit?" I just glared and said "One: You don't know if I'm straight or not. Just cause I have a daughter doesn't mean I'm straight. Two: because everyone deserves basic human rights and should be afforded respect no matter what." The cashier shut up and my daughter was soon back with a bag of chocolate. We got all checked out and as we were walking out the men from before stopped us and thanked me. I was extremely attracted to the man who spoke up first. He had brown hair that fell in his face in just the right way and gorgeous green eyes that sparkled when he smiled. No no no. Holy Shit.....

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