An Empty Threat

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I went home that day and didn't worry too much about Lane. He seemed fine, especially after he broke that mirror. He would've been fine without me all last week really, but I WANTED to be there. Having a friend was different for me. I had always been alone. Just like my parents told me I would.


15 Years Ago

My mom sat in the kitchen, shaking her head at my teachers most recent letter. "You refuse to socialize with anyone. You won't even do group projects! What is wrong with you?" That wasn't completely true though. I DID socialize, just not with classmates."I have friends." My father slammed his glass on the table, making my mother jump from the loud noise. I felt my eyes start to water but I pushed the tears back. He pointed a finger at me and said "That boy is no good for you. Make friends in your class." "That Boy's name is Jared and he's the only good kid in my school." My dad glared at me and said "If you continue to act like this, you will not live in my house. You will be alone." I thought it was an empty threat.

It wasn't

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