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15 Years Ago:

            My dad kicked me out after I failed a math test. I think he really just wanted me gone. He doesn't like what he doesn't understand. Most people don't. They'll dismiss it or tell you that "It's wrong" or "You just need Jesus". Some people, like my father, just want to kick the different person out of their life. My father won the argument with my mom and then I was on the street.

            So I started searching for my soulmate. I decided to just step on people's feet or stab them with a pencil at school. But I slowly escalated that, getting more and more desperate until I was killing to find him.
            Loneliness is known to lead to mental illnesses but I wouldn't know that for another three years. I went to college and studied Psychology, working at different clinics as an intern until I graduated. I posed as a psychologist in most of the states, under a different name. So that if the cops connected the two, I could figure it out before they found me. I helped others with their problems, never dealing with my own. I think I should just turn myself in. I'm regretting killing all of them. Maybe I should just... No. I'm so close to finding him. Shit I have to go

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