Ch. 7: Into the Caverns part 2

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Chapter Song: Madness by All That Remains

"You're going in the hole." Johns said as I came out of the ship.

"Figured that already." I felt strange as I left the ship after speaking with Riddick. It was like something deep within had been ignited. A kind of flame that wouldn't burn out.

Everyone followed Johns and Fry towards the dirt spires. The plan is to tie a rope around my waist so I wouldn't get lost. The whole way there, Fry would look over at me with a scowl on her face before turning back to Johns. I know she told him about what Riddick said because he glances at me every so often like he's keeping a close eye on me. I broke out of my thoughts when I felt the rope being put around me. Jack then handed me a flashlight even though she knew it wasn't necessary.

"Johns and I will be giving you as much rope as you need. Allah be with you." Imam said with a bit of a worried look on his aged face. I nodded in thanks before looking into the hole and turning on the flashlight.

I went head first into the hole which turned into more of a tunnel. The smell in here was that of a rotting corpse. I went deeper into the tunnel before it came out into a cavern big enough for me to stand up in. I slowly walked around the shadowy place. A few streams of lights came down from the ceiling right where the dirt spires were.

I moved the flashlight around the cavern as the scratching noises came. A faint screeching could be heard deep within the many other dug out tunnels. So far I hadn't seen any remnants of Zeke's body. I turned the corner of a mound of dirt that had been dug out to find a bloody boot. Inside the boot was a foot. I picked up the boot looking it over. Well I guess this is all that's left of him.

I turned around quickly changing my eyes to see in the dark parts. I growled lowly when I saw the creature. My breathing quickened as my eyes laid upon the creature. It was one I had fought before. A Bio-Raptor. I kept to the light as it circled me. I couldn't go back the way came. I looked up into the hollow spire as sun came into the cavern before climbing up until the rope stopped. Suddenly the rope was tugged down and I fell. My nails grew giving me a better grip on the sides of the spire. I used my strength to pull against the rope but not without resistance.

"Get me the fuck out of here!" I yelled hoping they would hear me. I pushed harder but nothing came. I couldn't climb any farther.

"I'm in here! I'm inside the spire!" I yelled louder. My sensitive hearing picked up the sound of footsteps before the side of the spire began coming apart.

Johns, Imam, Paris, and Shazza pulled me out of the spire as I breathed heavily. My nails now back to normal.

"I heard you, Sky. I heard you first."

"Skylar, are you okay?"

"What's down there? What is it?"

"Did you find Zeke?" They all questioned me as I tried to get my breath. I stood upright and looked at them. I had to play this off.

"Fuck! That was so fucking stupid! I don't know what the fuck is in there...but whatever it is, it got Zeke." I took the boot with the foot and tossed it to the ground making everyone gasp, "And it nearly got me...Shit!" I began to explain when the rope was jerked hard and I went flying right back into the hole. I grabbed the sides stopping me from falling the whole way down. I growled in annoyance before reaching around me and slicing the rope with one long fingernail before coming back out.

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