Ch. 9: The Truth Comes Out

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Chapter Song: Half God Half Devil by In This Moment

There wasn't much to do anymore so I decided to go back to the room with the model. The others might think that this pending darkness won't last long but I have other suspicions. I sat down on the dusty old floor and began moving the planet that would block out the sun. Each time it made a full rotation was one whole year. After the third year had passed, I stood to my feet and went over to the bed laying down. Whenever this eclipse begins those creatures below us are gonna come out. I'm gonna need every ounce of strength I have to keep this group of people alive.

I moved onto my side with my back facing the door as I closed my eyes. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. God only knows when we'll be leaving this planet. Suddenly I heard the door open quietly. I breathed in the air taking in Riddick's scent.

"Something I can help you with Riddick?" I asked before looking over my shoulder.

"We're leaving."

"It's started already?" I said getting to my feet quickly and rushing out of the building. I looked out to the horizon seeing the planet rise slowly. Riddick grabbed my hand and pulled me from my stare.

I climbed up onto the vehicle, Shazza had been working on, with the others. Jack huddled against me as we made our way back to the ship to collect whatevet we needed. We went through the boneyard with record speed but not without smashing through a large ribcage. My eyes never left the horizon as we got back to the Hunter Gratzner. Johns enlisted the help of Riddick to grab power nodes for the skiff. Just as they got the first 2 power nodes on the sandcat Paris runs towards the cargo hold spouting about grabbing something important.

The next power nodes bang down on the sandcat as the rings of the planet begin to make dawn into dusk. The sound of shrill screeching pierced my ears making a few of us to stop and look over at the spires. A dark cloud of a thousand or more winged creatures shot out of the spires and into the sky.

"Shit. How many are there?" Johns questioned Riddick as he took off his goggles.


"People, just a suggestion. Perhaps you should flee!" Paris yelled to us from inside a containment area of the ship that had broken off.

"Let's go!"

"Come on! Run!" Jack yelled. Everyone ran as fast as they could away from the swarm I had seen many times before. Johns, Fry, Imam, and 2 of his sons got into the container as Shazza, Riddick, and I continued to run.

"Shit! Get down!" Riddick pushed me into a ditch made by the ship's pieces and hovered over me. Shazza hit the dirt as well a few feet away as the creatures flew over us. I watched them go up into the sky to circle back around in one formation. Shazza quickly got back to her feet and ran towards the others.

"No! Stay there! Stay down, Shazza! Skylar help her please!" Jack yelled. I watched the creatures spot her and went right after her.

"Let me up. I have to help her Riddick." I said pushing him off. I got to my feet and pushed myself hard.

"Skylar no!" As I got closer to Shazza, my body went through its transformation. My slightly chubby form was replaced by the hulking figure of a black winged wolf. Much bigger than the small flying creatures. I knocked Shazza down to the ground.

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