Ch. 11: Blood Lust

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**Chapter Song: Rise Above It by I Prevail**

"Are you alright?" Imam asked Jack as he helped her up from the sand. Johns trigger happy ass fired shot after shot into the air blindly thinking he'll hit anything. I watched Skylar fly in the air slashing at the creatures threatening our lives.

I watch from the darkness as Johns shooting makes the creatures swoop down on the group huddled around the sled. One flies close to Paris and he falls to the ground. He crawls away stretching the bright blue tubes until it was jerked off of the sled. Sparks flew in every direction as Fry called to the frightened man to get back to the sled. The blue light fades away slowly. My nocturnal eyes watched Paris as he stopped crawling when the beasts surrounded him. One of the creature's tails came up and swiftly pierced Paris' body.

"I was supposed to die in France. I've never even seen France." I heard the dying man say as he flicked on his lighter and taking a drink of the alcohol inside a flask.

He spit the flamable liquid into the fire creating a fireball which showed him his fate. I stepped into the light as the others lit up the bottles and flares. The winged animals tore into Paris with a ravenous hunger.

"Nice to see you're still with us."

"Do I wanna know?" Fry asked as she held a flare behind me. I slowly shook my head.

"Skylar? Where's Skylar?" Jack questioned as she looked around.

"I'm sure she's fine Jack."

"Skylar! Where are you?!" Jack yelled into the black expanse.

"We'll find her. Let's just keep moving." The group moved with me for a few feet until I heard Johns' gun cock and felt the cold metal of the barrel on the back of my head.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"We've crosses our tracks. How fuckin' stupid do you think we are?" Johns said angrily.

"Why have we crossed our tracks?"

"Listen." I said wanting them to hear the mass amount of creatures that are in the canyon in front of us. The group went quiet as they listened to the screeches and high pitched bleeping the Bio-Raptors were making.

"The canyon is just ahead. I circled once to buy some time to think." I explained as I looked into the canyon. Not only was I looking at how many we would be up against and if these people would make it but I was also searching for any sign of Skylar.

"Think about what?"

"What it's gonna be like when we hit that canyon..especially with her bleeding." I said my eyes scanning everything.

"What are talkin' about? She's not cut."

"Not her." I slowly turn around and look right at Jack, "Her." I said nodding my head. Everyone looked over at Jack with disbelief written on their faces now that her secret was exposed.

"I thought if everyone thought that I was a guy that they'd leave me alone. I didn't want you to leave me back at the ship. That's why I didn't say anything..." Jack explained as tears formed in her eyes.

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