How it all started

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A group of kids surrounded a tall yet very muscular guy. He kneeled before them so that,they can reach to him. He laughed and heard what they had to say. Well, it is an orphanage. He had a bright smile while listening to them. A girl stood far from the group, which he noticed quickly. He called for her but she didn't budge. He slowly put them down and walked to her.

"Hey,Jun. What's wrong?" He asked and the girl looked up at him.

"Your reawly marrying ..Somewonew  .." She quietly said that and he smiled. He quickly picked her up and kissed her cheeks. She have a problem saying words. Because she is the youngest.

"But I won't stop coming here,baby." He said pecked her cheeks again. She smiled and hugged his neck.

"Hyung-nim! Tell us your story!" The other kids demand and he looked shocked. They never asked me about this.

"Why? My life story is all about you! " He said but they denied.

"Tell us about 'her'!" They answered and he was shocked again. They never liked when he first talked about her. But now, they want to know.

"You guys sure you all want to hear about 'her'? He asked once again but got the same answer. He gave up and sat in the middle while the others surrounded him around.

"Well, as you guys know this that, our meeting wasn't the greatest one. I always thought that girls would be like a angel. They must be pretty and of course very smart, while being sincere. But what I found was unique. She's just not like what  I different. And that what I loved about her. That's how our story begun.. ... by a small arrangement~

Third pov:
2 years ago~~~
He was sick and tired of being alone. He tried many of the apps and met many people to find the one. But no luck, his luck wasn't preferring him. He had being a sick idiot who wants someone to take care of him.

Then his neighbours brought a news for him. He was confused about it. But he gave a shot, he took the chance and went with it.
They found out that their relatives have a daughter who is around his age but still younger than him. His neighbors are his guardian,so he didn't protest. He went with their idea.

He was standing outside a normal ordinary house. He hesitately knocked on the door. A beautiful women opened the door. He thought this might be her but he was dead wrong. She looked a little aged. He gulped and told her that he came by his neighbours. She smiled and welcomed him in.

"I'm sorry for the mess around.  This two children of mine doesn't do any work around the house."She said and picking up the clothes that were all around the living room. He helped her by picking up the clothes.

"Such a goodboy you are. No wonder how are you still single?" She questioned herself.

"Because of that you are a successful man now." She said and patted his shoulder. Yes, he is successful. He runs the most successful company in Korea.

"I hope my daughter will learn something from you." She said in a disappointed voice.

"Um..sorry not to say that but. .where is she? "  He asked and she playfully hit her head.

"Uh..I'm sorry. Please,follow me." She said with a smile. He smiled back and followed her.

They went up stairs and stood in front of a room. She sighed and opened the door. The room looked very messy and weird.

"Aish..this girl." She said and picked up her clothes. He knew that girls have other things in their clothes,so he didn't help her   this time. He  was shocked that he was  going to be with someone like her.

"Yah. .wake up. His already here." Her mother whisper-yelled at her but she didn't budge.

Well, yes as you all guessed it.  The girl was a awkward position....while revealing her skin. He gulped to see those. But still stared at them. Her mother gave a weak smile at him.

"I'm so sorry from her. ..she's just tired..and" She was cut off by the boy showing his hand in front of her.

"It's okay,Mrs.Min. I will try to see her through this." He said and smiled at her. She smiled back and stood a little further from them. He examined the figure in from of him. Her face was covering with her hair. She have long hair. He touched the hair and sniffed a little. He tried to remove her hair from her face but his phone buzzed. He took it and close it up. He stood up and smiled at her mother.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go now. Maybe next time, I will talk to her." He said politely and bowed to her mother.

After that he left the house. He sat in his car and looked at the house again. Directly at the upper window,where her room is. He smiled at drove off.

???? Pov:
It was awkward,  that girl didn't even bothered to get up and greet him. I thought, she would be up and had put on tons of makeup and sat there waiting for him. But, boy! I was wrong. She's isn't the type I want it's more like she made a option for me to choose that she's the one. Her first impression  is like.....different. Everyone says that the first impression is the  last impression. But in first impression I had already have a idea that,she's the one. Even though I'm successful and smart but I'm dumb for her. It's like she put a spell on me and I fell for it.

From now on; I, Jeon Jungkook, will only think of her and remember her by her hair.

Hello, again!!! This is my brand new  story!! As you all are confused that what kind of story is this!!well, don't fear my child!! Author-nim, will remove ur confusions away!!! Belive in author-nim and stay tune for more chapters! !
Vote,comment and tell you friends about it. Love you, my childs. See you!💜

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