Sorry, Taehyung~

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Y/n's pov:
After spending more time with Jeon, we was about to head home but my phone rang. I took it and I was shocked to hear it.

"Jeon!! Take 'U' turn now!!!" I shouted and he was shocked that he hard break the car.

"What! Why?!" He asked and I quickly turned to him.

"It's. BFF is .." I spilled it out and is eyes wide. He quickly turned the car to where I told him to go.

We reached there and saw Yen was already there. I ran to her and she looked worried.

"Where's he? How's he?!!" I asked and she shooked her head. I sat down and Jeon rubbed my back.

"I was also called by the doctor ...he fell down from the footpath and broke his arm." She replied and I sighed.

"I hope his okay. ." Jeon said and I hung my head.

Jimin's Pov:
I was heading home after a tiring day. I haven't got time to waste. But then my phone ranged. I answered it and it was Yen. She was talking in a sad tone which made me think who made her sad? And on a killing mode for making her sad. But she break the news that Taehyung was in hospital. 

I was shocked to hear that and quickly told the driver to turn and head to the hospital.

I arrived and most of my fan girls noticed me because I wasn't wearing a mask. They tried to follow me but my driver handled it. I quickly went to the floor and found Jungkook outside of a cabin.

"Ah, hyung! Your here!" He said and I examine his face. He looked sad even though he didn't knew Taehyung well.

"Yeah, where's Yen?  And this is Taehyung's room?"I asked and he  nod. I went in and saw Taehyung was lying on bed and his arm was bandaged. Yen and y/n was beside his bed.

"CHIM!" Taehyung called me and I went closer.

"How did you caught in this... " I asked him in disbelief. He smiled like a idiot. Y/n smacked his head and I salute her for doing that.

" dare you hit a damaged person. .." He whined and I laughed. Then the door opened and Jungkook walked in.
Taehyung sat up and pointed at him with his other hand.

"YAH! aren't you the guy who almost hit y/n with your damn car! !" He yelled at him and Jungkook flinched by his voice.

"Pardon.." Jungkook replied and Taehyung was on bitch mode again. He was spatting at Jungkook and that poor guy just stood there, hearing his words.
Y/n quickly walked to him and hold his arm.

"Taehyung! Enough..that's was a accident that day. Don't yell at him." She stood up for him and I was impressed.

"Why ?!!why are you defending him!!"Taehyung asked and y/n took a deep breath before replying.

"Because .....his my future fiance." She said and everyone including me, gasped. Even Jungkook too.

"W-what...wait WHAT!??" Taehyung asked and y/n nod.

"You heard me."

"B-But. .how! ! When ...huh"

"From today till I marry him." Y/n spat back and everyone's eyes widen.

"What?" Jungkook was confused too.

"I will talk with you about that later." Y/n back up Jungkook.

"So, when did you decided that y/n?"Yen asked and y/n grinned.

"That mean trouble..."I said and she glared at me.

"Shut up,  traffic light! " She spat and flipped her hair. I was offened.

"Yah! Don't call him that!! He looks nice no.. very cool in that color." Yen spat back. I looked at her and placed my hands on my chest.

"I'm blessed. ..." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Guys, I'm still alive."Taehyung said and everyone playfully hit their head. Because they forgot that Taehyung was still there.
We laughed and looked away.

"Can ya please call my mom and tell her about me. ..I'm starving..
"Taehyung requested and it made us sad. I told Chim to bring some food Taehyung and told Yen to call Taehyung's mom. I joked alittle with Taehyung because he was so dumb to fall and got himself hurt. But I needed to go to the washroom. So I excused myself and went way.

Jeon's pov:
I was left with her friend.  He still glaring at me.

"What? You still hate me?" I asked he huffled.

"Of course!! I don't know why y/n is sticking with you!!" He spat back and I sighed.

"Can you tell me why you hate me?" I asked and sat on the chair beside his bed.

" annoying!!" He screamed which made me laugh.

"That's all?" I asked and he was red because of embarssment.

After that there was a huge silence between us. Then he started..

"So...what do ..think about y/n?" He asked and I looked up to him.

"What do you mean?"

"Just answer what you feel..." He said in a low tone.

"I like her..more than anything.  I want to treasure her and protect her. She's like my sunshine and a moon. I couldn't imagine my life without her from now...." I honestly said because I think his faithful and trustworthy. So I told him and he nod. I never opened my feeling about anyone to anyone because I thought they might judge me for that.

"Okay... I have my trust on you. Don't you dare to do anything to her which will make me to break you in to pieces." He warned with his deep voice and I smiled.

"No worries. I won't let anything happened to her and I won't do anything." I replied and her gave his smile. It was boxy smile to be honest.

"Don't keep her to yourself okay!! Let her out too!! Or I might die for loneliness. ." He said and laughed. I nod and chuckled. Then the door open and everyone came back.

'I don't how much I can do...but I will try to make it up to you all expectations. ...'


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