Pleasure [M]

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' I got a boner..'

Jeon's pov:
I don't know what to do but it's getting painful now. I have to deal with a boner now...God why in this place and time. I started to shift in sit and she turned to look at me.

"Jeon? Are you..okay?" She said and I gave her look 'Does I look okay' face.

"Yeah. .don't bother.."I tried to say but my breathing got faster. My sweat drops were slowly dripping off and I was getting soaked in sweat even though  we are in a AC resort.

I tried to push that thought away...but her bare back wasn't helping at all. I looked away and focus on something else use.

In the end, I couldn't take it anymore and told her we should leave now. She also agreed and stood up. I let out a heavy breath and stood up quickly. We bid our goodbyes and I rushed to the car. She quickly followed and I drove out.

I was glance at her time to time and saw that,her dress wasn't appropriate and showing off  so much skin. I didn't see that when I brought that.

The plan was that after party I will drop her off but now screw that. I take a turn to my home and she frowned.

"Wouldn't you drop me off?" She asked while looking at the road. I let out a heavy sigh and tried to focus on the road.

"Jeon. ..." She said and looked at me with a scared face.

"Well, I wanted to but...there's a little change on the...plan." I said it in between my  heavy breathing.

" okay? Your breathing is getting faster..." She pointed out and hold my face.

"No..I am not fine..." I stopped the car and looked at her. She was about pull her hand away but I grabbed it and pulled her harshly towards me and slammed my lips on her. I started to lick her lower lip for entrance but she was refusing. I pulled away and stared at her with stren look. She gulped and looked scared.

I got out and opened her door. Quickly unlocking the seat belt I picked her up,throw her over my shoulder and headed to my home.

"Jeon! Let me go!!! What are you doing!!" She screamed and started to hit my back but I headed to my bed. I locked the doors so that noone can interrupt me.

I throw her on the bed and started to remove my coat. She stated at me with wide eyes. I started to unbuttoning my shirt and she was back in away.

"Your not going anywhere tonight,baby~" I said and hover over her. Trapping her between me and bed. She looked at me with scared expression.

Y/n's pov :
I don't know what is going on..he looks so damn he really going to. .

"You suffered me too I need a payback~" his words were so seductive which was making me feel very much needy.

"And I can't guarantee you that I will be soft~" He said and licked my earlobe. He stared to touch my thighs and his lips was roaming from my earlobes to my cheeks.

"I need pleasure. ..tonight.." He said and his hands went to my back and hold the zipper of my dress and pulled the zipper down and immediately my front part slides down.

He looked at my front and his nose was brushing against my chin. He looked up and smirked at me.

"Well well you wore matching undergarment huh.."He said as he leaned closer to my neck and started lick it to my neck to collarbone. His hands was roaming all around my body and I could feel that my body began to heat up.

He started to suck my neck and his hands were heading to my sensitive spots.

"Ahhh~~" a moaned escaped my lips when he sucked on my sweet spot.

"Found it ~~"  He stared to suck there more and bite harder. My hands quickly moved on it's own to his hair and tugged on it.

His hands were very close to my private part and his lips were making me crazy.

He stopped what he was doing and removed his hands from me. I whined at the loss of his touch.

"Impatient aren't we? But let us remove this then we can get to fun~ shall we?" He said and I don't know why but my body moved by its own. It was like I need him...I needs him to touch me...I need his touch..all of him.

After quickly removing my dress and he also removed his shirt . I only was left with my undergarments. I looked at him , his bare chest and his abs looked so unreal but still it looked perfect on him. He looked extremely sexy and his well built abs made him more hot...I didn't knew but accidentally bit into my lips.

"I don't think you should need those? " He said while pointing to the only clothes I was had on. But before I could say anything he captured my lips and cupped my face with his left hand. His right hand went down to my panties.

He licked and biting down my lower lip for entrance which I shortly gave up and in that chance he slided my panties down and I gasped.

"Let's the real party started~"He said and unzipped his pants. He removed his pants and his huge bulge was showing.

'How long he was waiting. ....'

He quickly opened the drawer of his bed stand and took some condoms. He stared at me while ripping one and putting it on.

I gulped because he...he was huge......and I don't think...that I might be...walk tomorrow. ..

"As this is your first, I will try to be gentle~" He said but again spoke.

"But I can't take responsible if you can't walk tomorrow when you will feel nice and tell me to go faster, okay?" He said and I nod because I have no choice.

Before he enter me he leaned to me and started to kiss me so that I wouldn't feel the pain. But the pain shots in when he entered me with out any warning. I gasped and bite down on his lips.

He grabbed my hip, so that I couldn't move and stay still. My hands made their way to his back and grabbed on to it.

He started to move slowly at first but his thrust was powerful. He kept doing it for a while.

"Ahh!! J-Jeon! ! Don't!! Yaahh! !!" I moaned and screamed his name.

"Don't call me 'Jeon' anymore. .call me by my name now.." He said and thrusting deep.

"Ahhh!! J-Jungkook!! Ahh! Stop! ! Noo!!!its hurts! !Ahhh! !" I screamed and started to scratch his back. He groaned and hold my hip harder, dugging his nails inside.

" tight.." He breathed out and pushed in faster. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he kept pounding inside of me.

Soon the pain turned in to pleasure and moans started to escaping my mouth. He was groaning and cussing but soon he  felt good too.

"J-Jungkook. ..I think...I'm" I said between my moans. He nod and pounding harder.

"Me too.." He said and leaned close to me , his lips brushed over mine. I started to kiss him now and he replied it quickly . After a few more thrust, he came in and dropped on to me.

I hugged his neck and his hands was caressing my side. He got up after catching his breath . He pulled out the used condom and threw it in to the dustbin. He came back to the bed and popped down next me. Holding me tightly against his bare chest.

"That was are so good,baby~" He said and my face turned red. I hit his chest and he laughed.

"By the way, it was good. Even so it was my first and you took it away..." I replied and he snuggled his face to my neck.

"Let's talk tomorrow. .I'm tired. ." He said and I hugged him tiredly and he covered us with the covers  before drifting to sleep.

*cough* *cough* well author-nim died while writing this so this author-nim ghost. I have made a sin and hope that will be enough for you thirst. .. good bye world..👋👋👋

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