Agust D's Son...

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Third pov:

Jimin drop down to his knees and kept his eyes open much more bigger than usual.

"Didn't that fall hurt ya?" Jin ask and pointed at Jimin's knees.

"Ah hurts...oh my knee..." Jimin rubs his knee as he realised that he fell down quick and his knee is hurting now.

"What else we can do,hyung...Sunjin-noona looked like a zombie while taking care of Yoon-so. ..and Yoongi-hyung didn't help either..." Jungkook says as he carries Yoon-so with him.

"So why do I have to take care of him!! Yoongi-hyung made him so it's his responsibility to take care of him!! Not me!!" Jimin whines as he throws daggers at Yoongi who was sound asleep. .

"That's it I'm not having kids! You shouldn't have kids either, Jungkook-ah." Jimin says in frustration but Jungkook gave him a look.

"I'll have kids! I want 5!!" Taehyung says out of nowhere and Jin scoffs.

"Who will take care of yours, huh?" Jin ask Taehyung but Taehyung was in his dream land,completely ignoring Jin.

"Why don't you get married,hyung? Your the oldest here." Jungkook shot that question like a bullet towards Jin who spilled the tea on Hoseok accidentally.

"Oh my God! ! Oh my!! My faceu! !! Hyung!! Don't...don't. .touch my faceu!!" Hoseok just screamed and ran from here and there.

"Oh my God, Jin-hyung! Are you okay?? Gimchana??" Jungkook ask as being nice but Jin started to sweat.

"Uh..yeah. I'm fine..totally fine.." Jin says as he buries his face on to his hands.

"Well then why did you tensed up,hm~~~ hyung~ are you hiding something~~" Jimin ask while wiggling his eyebrows.

Yoongi sat up from his sleeping position and stare at Jin.

"Something is wrong..."Yoongi says and points out.

"Aish hyung come on!! Tell us!!!" Jimin whined as Jungkook nod and Taehyung blinked.

"His uncomfortable. ..something is wrong!!" Hoseok screamed and the others glared at him for being too loud.


"Hyung, just spill!"

"Hyung, please tell us!"


Jin stood up and walks to the main door. As soon as he opens the door, Yen stare at him with a weird look while sipping her drink.

" 'Sup?" She ask and peeked inside. Jungkook and Taehyung waved at her which she waved back soon.

"Will ya step back or go out? I like to go inside and play with Yoon-so." Yen says as she crosses her arm.

Jin scoffs and steps aside,letting her get inside. She gave him a one last look before running to Yoon-so who was playing on the mat.

"Yaaaa~~~ Yoon-so~~~ you little sweet little thing of a turtle!!" She chrips as she picks Yoon-so up and his breath hitched.

" should be alittle careful...." Jungkook says and she shot a look at him.

"Don't tell me what to do, you y/n clinger. " She says in a sassy way and gave all her attention to Yoon-so.

"I'll hire you for babysitting Yoon-so." Yoongi says and Yen stare at him.

"And what about my profit?" She ask and Yoongi frowns.

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