Your whipped

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Jeon's pov:
When I arrived home, my light were on. I wondered who came only my neighbours have the extra key. I walked to the living room and found out Jin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung was sitting there. They were talking with each other, they didn't know each other much just introduction and stuffs.

"Hyung? Why are you guys here?" I asked while removing my coat.

"Omo~~ Jungkook-ssi!! You came home!" Jin-hyung chriped as he walked to me and engulfed me in a hug.

"He came to our house and asked for the key of your house, so I also tag along. I hope I won't be a bother to you." Namjoon-hyung politely said and I shooked my head.

"It's. ..okay...hyung." I tried to reply but Jin-hyung was crushing my bones. When Namjoon-hyung pointed out that I was turning blue because of lacking oxygen, Jin-hyung let me go.

"Sorry, Jungkook-ah. Well come and sit down and tell us about her. How was she! Is she cool! Is she cute!! Wait is she your type!!!??"Jin-hyung attacked me with tons of questions attacked and I sighed at his behaviour.

'Jeon, prepare yourself you have to explain for an hour...'I mentally prepared myself and sat between  them before starting.

Y/n's pov:
I finished my explanation and gave every details of everything. But they didn't look like they were satisfied with that. They gave me 'wtf is wrong with you' face.

"So your telling me that's all you two did ...the whole day...." Yen asked and I nod. Everyone faceplamed their selves.

"Aish...I thought something might happened between you two!!" She said and I made a meep face.

"Well, no drama no life,girl." Taehyung said.

"You made him look like a kid seriously!" My mom said.

"Better than I expected but it could've been better...." my dad said and left.

"Hah ahhaha. ..atleast he didn't called you 'fish'!!"Yoongi finished and everyone started to laugh. I only groaned at his statement. Then the door bell rang. I quickly got us to see who it was, I opened and it revealed a sunshine.

"Oh! Hey y/n!!" Hoseok waved and I  waved at him too.

"Please, call Yen. Mom wants us home now."He asked politely and I nod before going in. I smacked her head and told her that her  brother came to pick her up. She glared at me but still got up, bid her farewell and left.

"Anyway, did you had dinner?" Mom asked I shooked my head

"What kinda guy he is...didn't asked you for dinner!!" Taehyung said and I got a newspaper,rolled it and smacked his head with that.

"Don't say something  about him!! His nice enough for me!!" I said and went upstarts.

"Ouch......" He groaned.

I was mad at him...he doesn't understand about anything.... Jeon was trying very much but I was so dumb and careless about it. I hope, he didn't  think me weird and never talk to me... I sighed but my phone buzzed. I thought it was Yen but I was wrong. It was Jeon. He send me a message.

Jeon: I hope you get a nice sleep tonight. Plus don't open the's very windy outside. Anyway, if I did anything wrong which might offend you, so forgive me. :(  I tried my very best to give you the best impress. Anyway, I'm taking too much time. See you soon, good night.

                                   Jeon Jungkook.😊

I smiled ear to ear because his text was so cute!! I was about to reply him back but my door brust open. Yoongi walked in without any permission.

"Didn't ya heard the word 'knock' before!!" I yelled at him and he didn't gave a shit about my words.

"So what, you always come to my room without permission. Fish " He spat back and gave a glare to me. But still I didn't mind him and tried to send Jeon a reply. But no, my annoying ass brother popped next to me and stared at the screen.

"Would you mind....? " I asked and he shrugged his shoulder before answering.

"Whatcha doing...can't ya spend some quality time your sweet kind brother?" He blinked his eyes and I just wanna puke.

"No, in fact I don't ever want to see your face!" I spat back and he placed his hands on his chest pretending to be hurt.

" heart...y/n your so cruel and rude to you one and only brother...I'm hurt." He said dramatically which made me laugh. He always do that to win over me whenever I'm mad or frustrated.

"Okay..okay you win. What do you wanna talk about? " I turned my phone away and looked at him. He looked dead serious now. But it didn't last long because he gave me his gummy smile.

"Is that guy really worth it, y/no?  Tell me honestly? I don't want to let others ruin your life. Be honest."He said in a smoothing tone. I pinched his cheeks and cooed at his behaviour.

"Aigoo~~~ when did you became so protective?" He shoved my hand away and looked at me.

"I'm serious. Y/n."

"Okay okay, well his nice and his worth it..don't worry. If he isn't up to mark, I will inform you."

He nod and patted my head before leaving.

'Even though his annoying....but still he is my brother..'

Then I continued to reply Jeon. I was in I'm supposed to write something sweet like he did? After rolling on bed for several minutes I got an idea and quickly typed it .

Jin's pov:
After hearing about Jungkook's date, I was impressed that Jungkook didn't panicked there. But I have my doubts on the girl,like is she for real? Who does that and why? But still as long Jungkook thinks it's okay for him,  then it's okay to me.  His neighbor went home but he told me to stay. So I decided to cook something for him because his getting skinner. I brought some groceries with me too. I started to cook but he came to the kitchen when he was done with shower.

"Hyung, no need to cook food. It's okay. I'm being a bother to you." He said quickly grabbed the pan from my hands. I slapped his hand away and shoved him away.

"Listen,kid. Look at you, you haven't eating a lot. So it's better I make you something which might help you a little." I replied and he looked down at the floor. He went to sat down on to the chair at the dining table. He was tapping his phone, so I got a chance to work in the kitchen.

After cooking for an hour, I came back to him and saw he was smiling? I went closer and sneaked on to his phone. He was smiling because he got a reply from her. Well, it looked like a 3 year old kid texting her dad or something. He looked at me and I gave him a weird smile.

"Anyway, I'm going. See you on Monday. " I said and picked my suitcase and left. He waved at me and closed the door.

'Jeon, don't be naive...'

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