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Third pov:
Day,weeks and even months went by y/n was getting very obsessed with Jungkook. Lately, if he didn't show up at her home or outside home, she was gone crazy. It was like she needs him all the time. So,she decided to show up at his office today. She had never stepped on to a high class office before it will be her first. So, she filled her courage and took a deep breath before getting out of the taxi. But she tripped and almost fall on the ground but someone held her.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked and she looked up to see it was. It was a very good looking man with a soft gaze.

"Yeah..I guess.." She replied and quickly stood up and fixed her clothes.

"Be careful, the footpath isn't that low as you will think of." He said and quickly left the place leaving her dumbfounded. But she quickly recovered from it and headed inside.

She walked to the reception and a beautiful lady was working there.

"Hello, welcome to Jeon industry. How can I help you, miss?" She asked with a small smile. Y/n also smiled back and told her that she came to meet Jungkook.  But the lady refused because Jungkook forbidd anyone who comes to meet must have a I'd card and a appointment with him. Y/n tried to explain but she failed.

As being heartbroken she was about to leave a familiar voice caught her attention. She turned see and she was glad she found him.

"HUH! WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS! I'M HIS HYUNG FOR GOD SAKE!! I'M-" He stopped when a small voice was heard.

"Uh..Chim?" Y/n called out and Jimin looked at her. He showed the other guy who looks like a employee. He walked to with a annoyed face.

"Why are you here? " He asked sternly. Y/n gave a 'What the hell' face.

"Why I'm here huh. ..why your here!!" Y/n spat back and he flinched because she was loud. Everyone who was passing by looked at them awkwardly. That was making a scene,so Jimin pulled y/n to a corner.

" Yah! What's wrong with ya! Do ya have to be that loud always!" He whisper-yelled.

"If you didn't made me mad none of this happened!! Why did you bring me to a corner!!geezz!  Let me out!!!" Y/n shouted at him and he covered his ears.

"Okay..okay. you win." He surrender. Y/n chuckled before going out.

"Anyway why your here? Your broke?"

"Noway!!I'm hella!! Rich!! Just came here to meet a hyung and the maknae for time pass." Jimin replied and called someone on phone.

Y/n's pov:
'Hyung?  Wait Jimin got a hyung too...' I thought and then he snapped his finger in front of my face.

"Yah? You still there?" He asked and I glared at him.

"If ya came to meet Jungkook well, Bad luck he have a meeting in 3 minutes but he told you to wait in his office." Chim replied and I nod. I started to walk but he shout again.

"YAH! YOUR GOING TO THE OTHER DIRECTION!!" I mentally slapped myself for being dumb and quickly turned and ran to him. We got on the lift and headed to the 12th floor. But the lift stopped at 8th, two worker got in and was a little startled by seeing me. As we were minding our own business, one of the worker was looking at me with lustful eyes. That was making me uncomfortable,  I shifted to my right where Chim was standing and tapping his phone. I didn't know but I accidentally bumped to him and he looked up at me. I was horrified and looking down. He looked up and saw what I was dealing with. So, he slowly moved me behind him and stand in front while crossing his arms.  I was glad that he was with me. The 12th floor came and he grabbed my hand, we got out from the lift.

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