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Third pov:
Y/n, Jungkook and Yen stood there until that owner of the voice came to the.. y/n was really amused that she got to see him for a long long time later. She only talked with him for a while which was months ago and hard about him to her bestiee. Yen on the other hand, was shocked see him here.

"Hey,what are you doing here? " He asked and smiled at us. His eyes disappeared and teeth was showing.

"I thought you were busy..." Yen replied but y/n started to laugh which made Jungkook look at her.

"What is this!!! Are ya trying to be a traffic light now!! What's with the red hair! !" Y/n barely said through her laughing.

"Yah!! She told me that it looked good on me!! I'm not a freaking traffic light!!" He yelled and Jungkook walked closer to him.

"Fancy meeting you here,hyung." Jungkook said and he smiled at him.

" I thought the Jeon always stays busy. But it's new and unexpected to see you here too, Jungkook." He smiled and y/n, Yen was confused.

"Care to explain, Park? " Yen asked him and he turned to her while smiling like a idiot.

"Of course. Whenever he gets the call for photo section my director call him." He explained and both of them nod.

"Oh y/n I hope you didn't forgot my name .do you?" He asked while staring at y/n.

"I suppose I did. Traffic light." Y/n teased him and he groaned.

"No one tease the one and only,Park Jimin!!!" He yelled about and everyone at the arcade gave him a look.

"By the way, why did you came here without a mask? " Yen asked him. He flipped his hair and smirked.

"No mask can hide a dace like mine so I didn't. Beside, noone notice me. So,chill~~" He said and Yen just faceplamed herself.

"I'm hungry ~~~~" y/n shouted and three of them snapped their head to her. Jungkook went to her and pulled her by her hand.

"Let's have lunch,hm~" Jungkook offered and everyone nod.

Jimin's Pov:
I know that I'm looking fabulous and awesome noone can ever Diss about it but this y/n just dissed me for my hair........ I really like my hair...... well, by the meaning being fab I meant..

Anyways, we went one of my restaurants which was located near

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Anyways, we went one of my restaurants which was located near. Jungkook was awfully careful with y/n that made me suspicious. I poked Yen with my finger and caught her attention.

"What?" She asked while drinking water.

"Is there something wrong with those two?? I mean why they are so close? Are they a thing?!!" I asked and she nearly spilled her drink on to me. But that caught both of their attention.

"Yen, are you okay! Did ya thought something dirty again?!!" Y/n yelled at her but Yen just glared at her.

"I hope your okay.." Jungkook said in a soft tone while offering a tissue. I sighed because I never saw Jungkook being that nice. Because he always annoy me and calls me small. But today is kinda different. ...this thing is eating me out.

"Anyway, chim! Why were ya here?" Y/n asked and I sat up nicely and puffed my face.

"Why I will tell ya.." I replied with a bitchy vibe.

"Aishh..forget I asked." She rolled her eyes and continue with her food. I stuck my tongue out and mocked her. She throw a pea at me.

"Yah! Y/n!! Stop being a bish." Yen yelled and y/n didn't give a shit about her. Jungkook on the other hand just laughed.

After lunch, Yen and y/n headed home, we insist them that we will drop them off but they didn't let us. They told us that they need some girl time. So, they us here on the road. I turned to Jungkook who was still stared at y/n.

"Yah! Jeon, what's wrong with ya?! You act different there?!" I questioned him and he turned to me with a annoyed face.

"Hyung, I was just myself there. That's all." He replied with no expression.

"Oh yeah!! But you always being a brat to me but in front y/n you looked different. ...wait...are you two.."

"Yes,hyung.we have being together for few weeks. My neighbours fixed me up with her. And I liked her."

"Oh my gosh...Jungkook you grown up!!"

"Of course I was grown up but you..."He looked from head to toe.

"Jeon, don't you dare..."

"You look small as always." As he said that he ran towards he car and got so that I can't reach.

"JEON!I WILL GET YOU FOR THIS! !!!!!" I growled on his window and he stuck his tongue out.

He drove off then I realised that...I forgot to bring my car.......

Y/n's pov:
After spending time with Yen.  I got home and was greet by my lazy brother.

"Ah..y/n you got a gift in your room. " he informed and continued to do what he doing . I headed to my room and saw a boutique of flowers again. I thought Jeon would have send it but no it wasn't from him. I checked the whole boutique for a card and at the bottom it found one. I opened it and started to read who send it .

'Dear Y/n,
You don't know me but I know you very well because I heard about you from Jeon. So, I assume we will meet each other soon. But for now, don't get scared and think me as a friend.  I am just like Jungkook but I'm older than him.  Hope you stay healthy and happy.  And please keep, Jungkook happy for me. I don't want him to be sad. Anyways,come by to Jungkook's office anytime. Then we can meet only. Well, that's all.

Sincerely. .
Kim Seok Jin. 😊'

It was a neat writing and it was filled with words that were new and unexpected for me. I really thought who might this person be.... but he had a good sense of writing letters. I was impressed.

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