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Third pov:

2 years later~~ present time.

Jungkook ended his back story and looked at the kids. They all stared at him with their big eyes.

"Is that all,hyung? " One of the kid spoke up and everyone else nod.

"Pretty much that's the end." Jungkook replied with a smile. Jun walked closer to Jungkook and stared at his hand.

" won't" She said slowly and hung her head down. Jungkook carefully hold her face and kisses her forehead.

"I'm not going forever ..I'll come back to you guys,I promise." He says and look at everyone who gave him a big smile.

"If your done, then can we go? Jin-hyung is going crazy." A voice spoke from the behind and everyone looks behind to see who it is.

Jimin stood there with his phone; tapping away while glancing up and down.

"Hyung, who send you here?" Jungkook asks as he got up and dusting his clothes.

"Jin-hyung called me and I know that you will be here. Even Yoongi-hyung is kinda getting on to my nerves. Who he thinks he is?!! Look!" Jimin shoved his phone on to Jungkook's face.

Sloth-hyung🐌:  Get that Jeon ass over here! Or imma gonna throw Yoon-so on you!!  😑😑

"Well that's old Yoongi-hyung for you." Jungkook laughed but Jimin puffed his cheeks.

"Whatever! Let's go. I'm done with that hyungs shits." He spat before walking out.

"So, kids! I'll come soon! Stay healthy and safe!" Jungkook beamed and quickly ran off to the car.

Time skip~~~~~

They arrived at the shop and quickly ran in. Yoongi and Jin was arguing about the suit.

"Yoongi! For the sake of my food!! No black!! Not even darker than your soul!!" Jin yelled but Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"I like black! So it will be black!" Yoongi spat back.

"Jesus!! No! Who wears full black at a wedding!!!" Jin screams again but Yoongi shrugges his shoulder.

" .I wear all black like I wore it in my wedding!" Yoongi spat again and Jin was losing it.

Before Jin could attack Yoongi Jungkook pushed himself in the middle and made them apart.

"Aigoo. ..who argues in a store!" Jungkook laughs at his hyungs but they were shooting daggers at each other.

"How long they have been fighting like this?" Jimin asks Taehyung who was busy in his world.

"Not for long. Only 2 hours." He was matching the tie with his suit.

"Chim! Does this look good or that?" He held out two tie in front of Jimin who was surprised that those two hyung was fighting like that for two hours and Taehyung weren't bothered by that.

"Your unbelievable,Tae. ." Jimin says and drop down on the couch.

"What I watch this dramas everyday." Taehyung says and went back to whatever he easy doing.

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