Hoseok is .........WHAT?!!

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Time skip~~~
2 days later~~~

Third pov:
Y/n and Jungkook started to live in Jungkook's secret hideout. Jungkook have  explained it to her and told her not to mess it up. Y/n gave her word about not telling anyone but she was worried about her friends.

"Can I call Yen? I bet she's worried sick by now.." y/n asked while flipping the channels on the T.V.

"No. No need. She already knows maybe." Jungkook replied back and flipped the books page which he was reading.

"But!! Still!! What if Chim..Didn't tell her you know his busy and could have forgot!!" Y/n pointed out but there was no response from Jungkook.  He lowered his book and fixed his glasses.

"Really? You don't trust Jimin-hyung?" He asked while giving her a 'are you serious?' Look.

"Um..kinda but I'm not sure!! I have my issues!!" She spat back before grabbing her phone. But it was snatched by Jungkook.

"Noway, your not calling anyone! It's not secure!" Jungkook said and was about to switch her phone off but the phone rang. Y/n quickly grabbed her phone and answered.


'SHE'S ALIVE! !!!'

Well, y/n's eardrum ripped when she heard a scream through the phone. ..

"Yen..for God sake ..when I will come back...I WILL KILL FREAKING KILL YOU! !" y/n yelled through the phone and Jungkook stuck there while enjoying the drama.


After hearing that y/n looked up to Jungkook and Jungkook immediately looked away like he doesn't know anything at all.

"I wanted to call but this dumbass didn't let me touch my phone!!" Y/n said while gritting her teeth.

'What!! Really!! That's it!!! Let me rip his hair!! I had enough!!! JEON JUNGKOOK! !!!!'

Yen started to shout through the phone which Jungkook could hear too.

"Uh...I'm sorry, I guess?" Jungkook said while covering his ears.


There was a huge silence after suddenly Yen stopped talking.

'Uh...Sorry y/n. She's just being moody because of salt ....I put so much salt in her pasta and I didn't noticed it...that's why she's being aggressive. ..I'm sorry from her..'

Jimin's voice made y/n confused and surprised but she had a smirk on.

"No worries..Chim but...why are you there?" Y/n asked even though she knew about it.

'Uh....um..well Uh. ..movie?"

Now y/n chuckled while covering her mouth and Jungkook on the other  hand doesn't have any clue what's going on.

"Okay..okay I won't interrupt your 'movie' night." After saying that y/n end the call.

"What's wrong? Why did you laughed?" Jungkook asked and stood up .

"Oh nothing just Chim and Yen are together and stuffs. Can you bring me a bag of chips, please?" Y/n asked .

"Okay..do you want tea or coffee?" Jungkook asked before leaving the room.

"Water!" Y/n shouted so that Jungkook could hear it.

Jeon's pov:
After preparing some tea for my self and got some chips for her, I headed back to the living room again. I gave her chips then I noticed something.

"Hey, where's your ring? " I asked her but she already stuffed her mouth with some chips. I waited for her until she chew it.

"Ummm maybe left at home." She said while laying down on the couch.

"What!! You left it at home!!" I screamed because I never thought this day might come.

"I don't wanna get it dirty ..." She said while finishing her chips.

"Why are you so damn clueless!!!" I yelled out but she throw the chips bag at me.

"Don't yell at me! You just have to deal me like this.." She said and I faceplamed myself.

But before she could move a inche, I trapped her in my arms.

"What you did is unforgivable. .so you have to be punished..." I said that next to her ear and she flinched.

"What...kind of punishment. .." She slowly said and I leaned closer to her. But before I can say what I might do to her my phone rang. I got off and answered the call. It was Jin-hyung.

After talking with him for a while, we hung up and I sat in front of y/n.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she came near to me and hold my shoulder.

"It's. .just there's no one we know from the defence field.. Jin-hyung is trying but he doesn't know anyone.." I said and she made her lips in a line shape.

"Well..I know a guy who's in defence field. ." She said and I looked up to her.

"Who is it?" I said and she smirked.

"What will I get if I tell you?" She said with a sly smile.

"Uh...anything. ." I quickly replied and she chuckled.

"Do you remember Hoseok? " She asked me but my memory isn't that good so I shooked my head.

"Aish....Yen's brother? " She said while playing with her phone.

"Oh...yeah! I remember. ..what's with him?" I asked in confusion.

"His in the defence field. His an officer." Those words rolled out of y/n's mouth and I couldn't believe that someone like him is a.......... officer?

"Are you pranking me or is it true?!!" I asked her again while shaking her aggressively.

"Yes!! Yes!! I'm not joking!! His in the police!! For God damn it!! Stop shaking me!!" She yelled out and I couldn't stop myself and engulfed her in a hug.

"Aigooo!! Thank you so much for giving this information!!! This means alot to me!!! Thank you so so much!!" I said and snuggled to her hair.

"I'm. .dying here!!!" She yelled out because I was choking her literally.

"Oh sorry..anyway! Give me his number!! I wanna talk to him!!" I said and held my phone. She quickly type the number and fall back on the couch. I kissed her forehead and headed upstairs.

'Now..you can't do anything. . Jaewoon Jung. '

I called Hoseok-hyung. ...

I don't feel like what to do anymore...just so bored to type and my fingies hurt..... anyway here's your meme..

 anyway here's your meme

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