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a/n: this song is how i imagine ethan would feel getting the news. i know it's about intoxication and being wasted, but i think e would also feel dizzy, confused, alone etc. and the way it sounds make u feel slow, or depressed idk - sarah x

"Ethan, baby. I love you, we'll get through this. There are many places you can go and get help, hun; therapists, support groups; and Billie, Cameron and I are here for you." Ariana says, as she holds Ethan's free hand. play song His other hand is holding the letter which brought so much pain.
"I know," he says. "But, how am I supposed to tell Grayson? He literally just came out of  hospital a couple of days ago, he's not gonna cope. He might even try to commit, again." He started pacing up and down the drive, while running his hand through his hair.

Then Billie came outside. She can see that Ethan is angry, shocked, and nervous. She saw that Ariana's eyebrows were furrowed in sadness and fear.

"What's wrong?" she asks them. Then, she sees the letter in Ethan's hand, snatches it, and skims through it. 

her whole world comes crashing down

grayson's p.o.v.

I go downstairs to find Billie because, after my thinking, I decided to apologize to her. She means to much to me, and I can't lose her. I can't.
And I see Ethan, Billie and Ariana, all standing outside on the patio, panicking.

"What's going on?" I ask them. They all look up, and look as if they don't know what to do. And I see a letter in Billie's hand. I try and grab it, but she doesn't let me. "Billie, honey, c'mon. Hand it over, what is it?"
"Grayson, I -" The I take it from her hand. "Grayson, please." I read it, it takes me a bit of time - a bit of time because I can't read; a bit of time because I can't process it. 

his whole world comes crashing down

I turn around and storm towards the house.
"Grayson," Ethan calls. "Baby, Grayson, listen to me. Please." Billie says. She has tears in her eyes and she's jogging as she tries to keep up with my fast-paced walking. I walk into the house, up the stairs and into the bathroom.
the third draw on the left, I remind myself as I'm searching through the drawers.
"Grayson, what are you doing. No, Grayson. No." She snatches the gun from my hand.
"What the fuck, Grayson? Are you insane? What would I have done without you? I'm pregnant, Grayson. I'm pregnant. And you just decide to destroy the life of our baby. How could you be so selfish?" She breaks down and falls into my arms. "Grayson I was so scared."

i was so scared i was going to lose you.


ethan's p.o.v.


today, 18:47

Ethan, did you get the news?

Yeah. What are we gonna do? Has Cameron found out yet?

I don't know yet, sweetie. You and Grayson will have to come back home. We'll need to plan the funeral etc. Cameron found out a few hours ago. How is Gray doing?

Ok. He's ok. We're all ok. Bye mom, I love you

Love you too, darling.

baby  💛

today, 18:55

baby, what did lisa say?

She said Gray and I have to fly back to NJ for the funeral

oh, ok. when?

Probably next week

💭bout you, love


ily more

No you don't

i do, u kno i do 

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