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a/n: this is the greatest song i've heard in a long time. i mean, it's better than 'we're all in this together' by high school musical - and that's saying something.

billie's p.o.v

Today, Grayson and I are going to the hospital for a check up to see how the baby is doing and to find out the gender. (a/n: yes, i know u don't normally find out the gender of the baby until later on in the pregnancy)
"Baby, get up." He says shaking me. Grayson had already gotten dressed and was ready - 

(a/n: ok, let's pause for a moment. i feel as though i don't include bil's actual personality in this book enough. she just seems very generic, as if she could be any girl and i'm just branding her name and face on. if u have any ideas for me on how to include more of billie in this, lemme know. oh, and also ari. i feel like she hasn't been included enough. maybe something to do with her music would be cool. feel free to message me or comment down below. [i sound like jake paul, jus ignore that] ok ily bye - sarah x)

I get up, get ready and choose my outfit - - -


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"Good morning, how can I help you today." the receptionist asks, as we walk through the revolving doors. She's really pretty. Grayson definitely would've dated her instead of me if he was able to choose.
"Um, yeah, we've booked an appointment." he says.
"Name, please?"
"Grayson Dolan."
"Okay, upstairs to room 42, with Dr. Skaberchylyn

We climb up the long, narrow stairs, hand-in-hand, and it feels like an eternity. I feel uneasy, as if something is going to go wrong. Grayson notices, though; "Billie, it's gonna be okay, I promise." He knocks on the door and a middle-aged woman answers, "come in,". 
"Good morning," Gray starts. "We booked an appointment." She spends at least 5 minutes looking through her computer.
"Ah, yes. Billie, if you could lie down on this bed. and lift up your shirt." I feel so uncomfortable, I don't want her or Grayson to see my stretch marks that I developed last week. But, he nods and I walk over to the bed.
"Okay, so I'm going to put this gel on your stomach so that we can see the baby on the ultrasound."  I nod my head. The gel is cold at first and then she moves around the other piece of equipment on my stomach. She carries this on for about 3 minutes, until she says something.
"You can see here, the baby looks nice and healthy." There's a human inside of me. lol wtf.
"Look, baby," Gray says, and points to our baby. "Doctor, when can we find out the gender?" he asks her.
"You can find out now if you want." Grayson nods his head. "It's a girl!" I smile. I've always wanted a daughter. But, then again, I never want there to be another human like me. I'm awful.
Then I see something else on the screen. "Doctor, what's that?" I ask, pointing. I get really worried, I don't want anything to happen to our baby. She examines the screen.
"Well then," she says. "Excuse me, they're girls." Grayson looks at me and we both laugh. How ironic.

(a/n: let's pause again - i'm playing a random album right now and i am in  l o v e. 'Yacht Club', 'SaintLaurentYSL' and 'We Outta Here!' by  Lil Yachty are  o m d. 
i know no one cares, but at least listen to the chorus of we outta here. // ice made bitches too nice. bentley coupe like white rice. skrrt, he outta here. // i'm ded. l y r i c a l  g e n i u s - sarah x)


"Honey, can we go to Haven Avenue?" I ask Grayson. 
"Okay, what for?" he asks and we start walking.
"I haven't been to that yellow cafe since I met Ethan there, and that was more than a year ago. It's almost 9am."


a/n: i know this chapter was short, sorry bout that. ily - sarah x

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