Chapter 3 ;(

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(May be very triggering to depression and suicidal thoughts)
Third Person POV

Russia woke up in a cold sweat. He almost jumped out of his bed, but ended up dropping on the floor with a hard thud. He coiled at the pain but got up hoping no one heard him. "Damn, that nightmare keeps happening..." He thought while looking around. His eyes came across his razor. Russia has stopped cutting ever since his father found out, but he was tired of this. He walked over to it and picked the razor up. Looking at it, he smiled, then rolled up his sleeves, showing his scars from the past. He traced lightly over them with the razor to see how sharp it was. He watched at blood traced down his arm. He didn't even have to press down on his skin. Russia decided to make the cuts deep, so he pressed down hard on his wrist until it was numb. He repeated this action for a while, then cleaned up, putting bandages around his wrists and falling back to sleep.

Russia's POV

I woke up a while after that. It was a Saturday and i thought a walk could calm me down. I went over to my closet and picked out a simple outfit. A blue and white stripped tank top, high waisted jeans, red converse, and my usual ushanka. I grabbed my phone and silently walked down the stairs. And yes, that nightmare was real, besides the whole America thing...I subconsiously frowned by that. WAIT WHAT?! I dont like america. He's a player. I walked around looking for my dad's until checking the time on my phone. 7:29 am. Its early so i bet they are at a meeting or in bed. I sighed for wasting time and headed out, leaving a note just in case. I walked to a park i knew oh so well and sat on a bench, going on my phone. ... "Russia-San!" I looked up to Japan walking towards me with...america..? I put my phone away and walked towards them. "What's up?"

Japan's POV

I saw Russia-San on a bench all by himself on his phone. I brought my boyfriend America-Senpai to share the good news. I've liked America-Senpai ever since i was little but never wanted to tell him, but once i did he said he had the same feelings! Im so happy! Russia-san started walking towards us. "What's Up?" "Well Russia-San, me and America-Senpai are um...We're dating!" I said happily

Russia's Pov

"Me and America-Senpai are um...We're dating!" .... i looked at her, then at America. What was this feeling? Saddness? Depression? or....Jealousy...I just took a deep breath and faked a smile "Good...Good for you guys.." Japan smiled and hugged America's arm. He laughed and patted her head. "Thanks Russ. I knew you'd understand." America smiled. I just looked down. "Hey um, i-...I gotta go...Cya at school." I said while walking away in the direction of my house.

America's POV

I could tell Russia was upset but why? Did he like Japan? Russia isnt the guy to be jealous but...i dont know. He seemed upset. "Senpai? Can we go to the movies?" Japan asked kindly. I smiled and nodded. She jumped up and down with glee. She was cute, but i cant help but think about why russia was mad. I shrugged it off and started walking with Japan.

Russia's POV

Half way while walking home i started crying. I cant take this. I like america and im jealous of his stable relationship. I run home and slam the door shut, not caring who hears me. I fall to the floor and hug my knee's.My ushanka falls off my head then I hear someone walking downstairs then i hear that familiar german accent. My step father,Nazi. "R-Russia..? Are you okay?... What happened son?" He asked walking towards me. He got to my level and picked me up, all i could do is hug him. He hugged me back and i just cried into his shoulder while mumbling short statements. "There there, its alright." I let go of him and got up, he grabbed a blanket and gave it to me. I sat on the couch and waited for him. Even if Nazi is a bad guy, he has become nicer when he got with my dad. I smiled at the thought of my dad being happy, nazi returned with a oversized hoodie that he got me. It had everyone's flag in a huge heart. I put it on and smiled. "Alright Russia, what happened?" He asked. I explained everything and saw his expression change from worry to sadness. "Aw russ, im sorry. I know how that feels. When USSR got with your mother i was broken, and took it out on other people." I looked at him and got up to hug him. He hugged me and grabbed the remote and gave it to me. I smiled and put on my favorite ghost channels. "Sorry bud, but i got to go get ready for the meeting. I hope you feel better. And here." He gave me a heart with the Nazi symbol, my flag, and soviet unions communist sign. I smiled while he put it on a chain and put it around my neck. "It will make you feel safe, i was going to use it for good luck, but you deserve it soilder." I looked at him then thanked him while he left. He really did make me feel better. I got up and went to my room until Ame texted me. Great.

Russ? Are you ok?

Yes, leave me alone.

Russia, dont be that way. Im coming over.

hmph fine. just come in ig

And thats exactly what America did.

(963 words! Thanks for 10 reads again :) -Honey)

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