Chapter 8 ;)

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Russia's POV :)

I was so happy Ame brought us here. But, one thing, i dont like the way germany looked at him. Yes. i am jealous but who wouldnt be..? Once we arrived at the pool, i was very insecure about my body. Others say i am very built, but i dont agree. I was just being a normal dude, taking my shirt off, when i saw America staring at me from the corner of my eye, blushing. Imma fuck with him, and not in that way. ya sinner. Once he saw me make eye contact, he dove back into the pool. So, i followed him, diving in right next to him. I could see underwater but not clearly, i dont think anyone can. I swam over to him, his back facing me. I hugged him from behind and could tell he stiffened then was calm. I let go after some time so we didnt run out of air. We both swam to the surface again to breathe. "Haha, Russ..What was that for.?" I turned to look at him "Oh nothing. I just thought it would be cute~" I saw him giggle and nod a little, then swam over to see Poland and Germany hugging.   So germs wasnt after my senpai?


did i really just say senpai...

America's POV

I swam over to Germany and Poland hugging. They're cute together but i dont need to see it lmao. "NO MAKING LOVE IN THE POOL!" They stopped immeditaly and germ's looked at me "W-we werent..omg we were only hugging j-jesus.." I smiled "Good. No gays in the area." ....."Then get out~

I heard russia say behind me. i froze as poland and germany both said 'oooooo'. I was suddenly picked up by hopefully russia, being thrown into the deep end while trying to catch air. I hit the water and sunk to the bottom, sitting there, rethinking life. The corners of my vision started to black out but i didnt feel anything, then it hit me like a train-of-pain. I tried to swim up, but it wasnt working. If i die by this i stg. I kept trying until i gave up, feeling like death. I heard fast swimming towards me, then getting dragged up. Once i reached air, i gasped really loud and coughed ALOT.

 "Omg Ame are you alright?! Im so sorry i shouldnt have done that..." I heard russia say. Once i caught my breath, i laughed "Its okay i guess." I got back on my feet and backed up, hitting the pool wall, catching air, then running full speed into russia, sinking into the pool. Since i was on top of him, in the water, i wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head into the crook of his neck, biting it softly. I felt him freeze, then wrap his arms around my waist. Mind you, we were still in the water. I think both of us were running out of air, i let go as we swam up. I laughed as i turned to a very flustered Russia. I saw germany tilt his head as he got out and walked around the pool lining over to us. Once he saw Russia's beat red face, he laughed

 "What the hell did you do down there? Did yall..ya know?~" I turned red and got out, chasing him yelling curses. Poland laughed as Russia got out, putting his shirt on, and sitting on a bench, watching us. I caught up to germ's and pushed him hard into the pool. You could hear him yell something in german before he hit the water. I ran to my bench, grabbing russia's hand and my shirt with my towel, leaving the pool area screaming "DONT FUCK POLAND WHILE WERE GONE!" Russia laughed and ran with me, going to the elevator, slamming the buttons, hearing germany running towards us. I was laughing so hard i didnt realize the doors opened, russia yanked me inside, pressing our floor button (7). Right before the door closed, we saw germany, mad as a bulldog, trying to get in. I snickered as his attempt as we got to our floor. I walked out with Russia and a comfy silence broke between us. We got to the door, unlocking it and walking to our bed. I put away my things and sat down. "So..," Russia started, getting my attention, "What was that snuggle for exactly?" I smiled at him while he sat next to me.

 "For almost drowning me." He laughed, "Wouldnt you like... strangle me for that?" He tried to mock my 'accent'. I got up and sat on his lap (not that way-) and hugged him "Wouldnt you like to know?~" I said in a 'russian' voice. He put his arms around my thighs and chuckled, then moved a bit so we were actually laying down in that position, more comfortable though. I layed my head on his chest and smiled. "Why are you so warm?" I heard him ask. "Well fuck you, you know why." He laughed softly, "Do I?~" I nodded slightly and wrapped my arms around his neck, digging my head into his neck, nibbling it softly. "mh-mm~..Jeez, why are you so lovey-dovey today?" He said in a husky voice, his accent deep. I smirked. "I have no clue, just feel like it." I felt him reach for something, then felt and blanket fall on top of me. "OwO thank you.." He smiled and nodded, resting his head back. I snuggled more into his chest and thought, 'Ive never been this close to Russ before. Its so nice..' I heard a cough behind us, looking behind me, seeing Poland and Germany taking photo's. I blushed and squeaked as Russia got up and chased them, "OMG GERMS YOUR SO DEAD! POLAND GIVE ME YOUR PHONE! ILL SEND MY DAD AFTER YOU AGAIN!!"

I dug my head into the blanket and layed back, inhaling the smell. 'heh...smells like him.....Is that weird? ....Dont care..' I mustve fell asleep because it was night when i got back up. I looked around. Dead silent. "Russ? Germs? Po?.." No answer. I looked at my phone, a text from Russ.   "Hey sorry Ame, we all got hungry and you fell asleep, i didnt want to wake you. We'll be back in a few. Don't miss me too much~ ;)" I blushed and smiled, turning off my phone and putting it away. I got up and went through Russia's bag like the paranoid dude i am. I grabbed one of his hoodies and put it on, immeditaly smelling his scent again. I smelt like Vodka, no surprise, and vanilla. It was very pleasing. I continued going through his things, until i came across a photo of me and him. There was a red heart around me. I smiled and put it away. I zipped up his bag, putting it back. 'Maybe russ does love me...' I grinned at the thought and went over to the couch, turning on the tv and waiting for my Russian to return.


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