Chapter 9

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Russia's POV (After they left to get something to eat)

Me, Poland, and Germany were all heading to a new place in the city. Poland said he had been there once and that it was really good. We parked in front of a small but cute store named 'Kitchen Table' (Its a great food place in downtown Omaha! I so suggest it :) ) Lucky for us, there was a spot right in front of the store. Germany pulled the car in and got out, us following. We went in and the smell of all sorts of food's hit me. It smelt so nice. We were greeted by a server named AJ. "Oh hello! Welcome! Would you like a table or booth?" She asked. Germany told her a table but outside. We followed her guiding us outside and seating us. We all got our drinks, i got Vodka, ofc. I looked around at the brick roads. There were many small stores around and the town was so lit up by fairy lights. I must've zoned out because germs snapped his fingers at me. "Commie? You in there?" I glared at him, "Yes ya nazi." He flipped me off and i stuck my tongue out at him. He told something to Poland that made him laugh, then he nodded. "Yo, Russ. I needa ask you somethin, follow me." I nodded and he lead us to a area with not many people. "What's up?" He smirked, "I've been thinking, do you like America?" I froze at his question, did i? I mean yes, Ame was adorable and i felt happier around him, but love? I felt my face heat up. "U-um..Why do you ask..?"  .... "I saw the way you look at him. That glimpse of lust when he smirks at you, the way i saw you guys literally cuddling. You laugh way more around him, c'mon russ! Its obvious!" I looked away from him, "Okay, fine....I-...i do.." He laughed and dragged me back to our table, "I GOT HIM TO SAY IT!"

I blushed, knowing what he meant while poland did a victory dance. "OMG, its not even that big of a dea-" "Russia you are really dumb. We needa tell him quickly!" He said pulling out his phone "DONT YOU DARE!" He pressed a few buttons before i could hear Ame's sweet voice. Poland was holding me back while Germany said, "Hey ame, just calling to tell you that Russia loves yo-" "AMERICA DONT LISTEN TO THAT FUCKWARD! HES INSANE!" I grabbed germs phone and yelled. I heard ame laugh and i paused then smiled. "SO YOU REALLY DO LOVE HIM!" "OMG SHUT UP YA NAZI! Im sorry ame, i gotta kill this psycho." I hung the call and almost threw germs phone to the concrete before the waiter came with our drinks. "jesus.." i mumbled. We sat down and i glared at germs, flustered as balls. He smirked. "You do know he likes you back right?~" I froze, "no he doesnt." he shrugged "Youll see." Did Ame really love me? Most likely not. A few minutes of yelling and cursing later, our food came. "Can we get some boxes? He wants to see his boyfriend." Poland said pointing to me "You fucker! He's not my boyfriend!" He rolled his eyes and chuckled. The waiter came back with the check and boxes. Germs signed the receipt and headed out to the car with the boxes. I got in the back and pouted like a baby. "I hate you both." "Suuuureee" We listened to music while driving home. I just want to see my space loving america...

America's POV

I looked out the window to drive way and saw my car pull into the hotel. I smiled, knowing they were back. I got up and wrapped Russia's hoodie around my waist, showing my shoulder less NASA shirt. I brought a bunch of feminine clothes for no reason. I turned off the TV and organized some things that weren't in order. I heard the door open seeing Germany, Poland, and a blushing Russia. Must've been from germany teasing him again. I smiled as they said hello. Russia went into the room with our beds and closed the door. I felt sad with him gone. "What's wrong with Russia?" "I dont know, maybe you should go check on him~" Germany said with a wink. I blushed and nodded, walking towards the door. I opened it and slowly closed it. I saw russia curled up in a blanket, zoned out. I sat on the end of the bed and spoke, "Russia? Are you alright?" He looked up at me and shook his head slightly. "What happened Russ?" I asked climbing on the bed, not too close to him. "i um.." He was going to speak until he uncovered himself and quickly hugged me. I was surprised, then hugged him back. I sorta moved a bit, signaling i wanted to lay down and cuddle him. He got the message and layed back down. I smiled and grabbed his hat, putting it on my head and giggling, hoping to make him feel better or at least smile. He grabbed my waist and smiled, "God your so cute.." I froze and felt my face heat up. "what.." he shook slightly "I said that out loud, didnt i?" i laughed and nodded. "ah...welp.." I nuzzled into his chest, "Its alright..." I started to think about random stuff until i heard Russia's breath calm down really fast, seeing he fell asleep. Maybe i could just...  

i climbed up him slowly, trying to keep him asleep. I reached his face. He seems so peaceful when he sleeps. Hopefully this is a good idea, i slowly traced over his bottom lip with my thumb, smirking at him. I breathed in, here it goes. I slowly moved my head over his, biting my lip and counting to 3 in my head. I slowly pushed my lips onto his, not waking him up. Was this wrong? Was it gross? Suddenly,

i felt him kiss back. It surprised me, that sucker was awake the whole time. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss incase this only happens once. He bit my lip, asking for an entrance, i didnt allow him. I felt him smirk, rubbing his knee across my crotch, making me moan slightly "" He took his moment to slip his tongue into my mouth, exploring it fully. I felt him get up, carefully putting me on his lap,i decided to fuck with him by slowly grinding on his obvious hard boner. "D-damn Meri.. ." He moaned lowly in the kiss. I felt him break the kiss, looking at me and smirking. He moved down to my neck, kissing it softly, trying to find my sweet spot. "fuck...r-russia..." i accidently moaned, he sucked down on that spot, biting it softly making me moan slightly, it felt so good! I couldnt help myself! He grabbed my hips, rubbing circles into them while biting roughly into my skin, making me yelp. I felt my blood run down my shoulder. Then, ruining the moment Germany yelled from the kitchen, "WE CAN HEAR YOU AMERICA! CALM YO SELF! WAIT UNTIL WE GET HOME TO BE BANGED!" I sighed and looked at Russia. "I totally forgot we were here.." He smiled at me, kissing me softly. "We'll be alright."

I smiled at him. I got up and walked to the mirror. "Jesus Russ, You really bit hard." He laughed and nodded, getting up and walking out. I sat on our bed, rethinking the moment. We're not even dating..But that felt so right, too right... I got up and walked out the room to see Russia on the counter playing with the strings on his shirt. Damn, he was perfect. I saw Po and Germ's on the couch watching some gay stuff. I walked over to Russia grabbed some scissors, grabbing the string he was biting and cut it off. "Oh thanks." I smiled and grabbed the string, walking over to Germany and slowly put it on his head. I walked over to Russia who was giggling as we watched germany try to flirt with Poland. He grabbed the string and threw it "Ew wtf" Germany looked over at us "Who did that?" I shrugged and laughed a little "Well you little shit, it was one of yo-" he stopped mid sentance, blushing while whispering something Poland. He looked back at us and widen his eyes and gasped while holding back laughter. "What?" Germany gave up and burst into laughter. "RUSSIA! I told you to confess your feelings! Not fuck him!" Russia blushed "What the hell do you mean?!"Germany laughed while Poland pointed neck......wtih my..

....s h o u l d e r l e s s   t o p.

I blushed and yelped "OMG I FORGOT JESUS CHRIST!" Russia realized and almost choked "I DIDNT F-FUCK HIM" Germany laughed more "Sure you didnt! We just thought you guys where watching por-" "SHUT UP!!" i yelled, very flustered. "we only made out.." i mumbled, thinking only Russia could hear.





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