Chapter 10 :(

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Third POV (after germany and poland found out) >:)

"YOU MADE OUT WITH HIM?!" The 3 boys could hear Germany yell. "W-what..? No.." Russia lied, clearly blushing and guilty of actually making out with a boy he wasnt even dating. Poland got up, stared at them, and left shaking his head while laughing. Germany followed him (ooo-), Russia looked around and didnt see America. He heard soft crying from the balcony. Sounded like America. He slowly crept towards the sound, trying to keep quite.

Russia's POV

I found america on the floor, his knee's to his chest and his hands around his ankels. He was quite upset. I pushed back the curtains and walked towards him, sitting by him. "....i-im sorry..." he whispered. I was so confused. "What? Why?" I asked. He looked at me, i could see tear stains on his cheek. "I pressured you into that. I shouldnt have kissed you...I bet your not even gay. Im so sorry Russia..." I could feel my heart sink when he said this. "Ame, its not your fault. I kissed back, i know it was alot and im sorry..Please dont cry.." I said calmly, trying to not cry. He gave a soft smile and i saw another tear roll down his cheek. i pressed my thumb against it, rubbing it off. I got up and held my hand out for him to take, he gladly did. "Wanna get some rest?" He yawned and nodded. I went into our room and grabbed my night shirt and some basketball shorts, yes, i do play it. I dont think im the greatest at it though. I walk over to the bathroom to get changed. I come out and see America passed out on the bed. I laugh as for he didnt even change. I grab one of my bigger hoodies and put it on him. I get in bed and see he shifts in his sleep for a moment then falls back into a deep slumber. I lay back and close my eyes, letting sleep consume me.

.                       .                        .                   .

America's POV

I woke up to an alarm going off. I see its Russia's. Damn. I get up and turn the stupid thing off. I do see his lock screen is me and him when we went to the fair. I smiled at this and walked off to the living space. I look over and see Poland and Germany on the couch snuggling. I laugh, then see hickeys and omg ewww! Im glad i was asleep. I walk over to the kitchen and grab a coke i had secretly stashed. I go back into our room, seeing Russia still asleep. I walk over to my things and grab some long white shorts, deciding to look like a f boy. I grab a small gold chain, a black choker, black belt, and a pair of Chuck Taylors. Edgy, i know. I change into them, smiling as it was an actual good outfit. I look around, trying to find my keys and my phone. I spot them on the dresser and grab both of them, and head out to my car. Luckily, i avoided Poland and Germany. See, the real reason why i was crying is because i got a call from my dad, saying he found something in my room and i needed to come home right away. I think it was my razors for a bad habit, if you know. I pull up into the house and sigh. I walk in, seeing Canada and Kiwi with a worried look. I go into the living room, where they were sitting, and see my father crying. He NEVER cries. He spots me and gasped, getting up and randomly hugging me. He lets go and motions me to sit down. "What's up?" He pulls out something metal from his pocket and puts it on the coffee table. a razor blade. I feel my face lose color while my chest got heavy. "Why...Why this.." I hear Canada ask. "I-I...Im...i havent-" I lose words and break down crying. "You couldve told me, or anyone America. We were hear for you.." I hear Kiwi say. I get up and push them out of the way. Then running back to my car, locking it. I see Canada rush out the house, he bangs on my car door yelling something i cant understand. I see he is crying..very hard. I sigh and unlock the car getting out. Canada tackles me to the ground, hugging me and whispering tons and tons of comforting words. "America please...You're my little brother and i love you so so much. You mean so much to everyone. I know it can get hard but you cant take it out on yourself. I love you too much to lose you.." I start crying again, hugging him tight while my father comes out and hugs us, same with N.Z. We get up and i make a promise to never do that ever again. Canada smiles at me, hugging me. "Alright, i have to go back to my bros. See ya around." I wave bye and get in my car, driving back to the hotel. This sucks...

Maybe, I do love you. //:RusAme://Where stories live. Discover now