Chapter 5 uwu

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Third Person Pov

America was walking home from Russia's house, pumped for the trip they are about to take. Poland and Germany took different ways, leaving America to be by himself. While kicking stones along the road he encountered a familiar face. South Korea! America didnt notice him until he spoke up, "Hey Ame! I have some news" America stopped in his tracks and looked up. "Oh hey SK, What's new?" SK paused for a moment "You know the trip we were going to take? Yeah uhm..I promised Japan that i would hang out with her.." SK put his head down in sorrow but America wasnt mad at all! "Oh that's okay! more time with russia.." America mumbled the last part, somehow SK heard but just kept it in mind while smirking. "Sorry again dude, hope you have a good time with the others!" SK smiled and walked off. Ame just walked home thinking about many things, from the trip, to SK's strange behavior to...Russia. Ame couldnt get him out of his head. America thought this was weird because he and Russia have always been good friends, but maybe america wanted to be more...? Ame kept questioning himself until he reached home. Once he opened the door, his brother Canada bursts through the hallway and hugged him "OMG AMERICA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I WAS SO WORRIED YOU DIED!" Canada sounded as if he was going to cry but ame just laughed at this. ''Im fine, just talking to the others about the whole plan for the trip'' Canada looked embarrassed as he backed away mumbling curses under his breath. "Bro its ok, im going to get a night's rest." Canada nodded and America made his way upstairs. He was changing into his night clothes, he got a call. 






''America-Senpai?"       ....    ''Yes Japan?"  It sounded as if she was holding in laughter.

''Is it true you like Russia-San?''  America blushed as he squeaked ''Wh-what?!''

Japan burst into a laughing fit while ame kept blushing darker and darker. ''South-Sama told me silly! He heard you mumble-'' she laughed again ''He heard you mumble..'Mor-  HAH... 'More time with Russia' when he said he had to spend time with me.!" America was shocked, until he turned into a tsundere. ''GOD DAMMIT SK WHY DO YOU NEED TO RUIN EVERYTHING YOU WERENT SUPPOSED TO HERE THAT OMG WHY MEEEE!!!!!????'' America yelled into the phone. Japan started dying of laughter again and he could hear SK wheezing in the background. Once the laughter died down, Japan spoke again. "Senpai, its okay if you like Russia-San, honestly i ship it!~" America kinda felt better about this. "What about you..?" Japan giggled a bit and told SK to cover his ears. "Well, if you do like Russia-San..Then i like South-Sama..." America froze, but in a good way. ''You mean it..?'' ... ''Yes, i mean it'' America smiled ''Thank you Japan, your the best'' She hummed and hung up. America put his phone away thinking about the chances he could have with Russia on the trip. He soon turned into a fanboy, giggling at everything, and blushing like crazy. America layed on his bed and closed his eyes, now, he could really say

                                                                          He loved Russia.


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