Chapter 4 ;)

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(You guys are actually reading this trash?! Omfg thank youuuu)

America's POV -Rusame is cominggg-

I sprinted over to Russia's house, so freaking exicted to see him for some reason. He's been really distant lately and i want to cheer him up! I arrived at his house, out of breath, and sooner then expected. I knocked on the door 3 times to make sure he heard it. I heard wrestling from inside then finally the door opened to see a tired Russia. "Hey Merika.." He sounded like he was crying. "Whats wrong russ?" I asked him as i let myself in. He didnt say anything, that kinda made me feel bad for him. Finally he spoke up "Nothing, What did you need again?" I smiled. "Well, me, germany, poland, and SK are going to a hotel for a bit and i wanted to know if you'd like to come!"Right when i said that he had that glimspe of hope in his eyes i knew. He thought for a moment then spoke, "Sure. That'd be nice." I jumped up and hugged him "I'd knew you'd like it!" He giggled "When is it?"  I paused "....tomorrow..." He looked at me and tilted his head "And you just now decided to tell me?" I laughed and nodded. He got up, i thought he was gonna give me a hug, but he put me in a soft head lock and dug his knuckles into my head like a big brother would do >:0  I escaped his grip and went onto the couch to jump on him. "3! 2! 1!" I shouted as i jumped on top of his back. Instead of falling he grabbed my legs (Like a piggy back ride) and started running really fast. I screamed when he jumped, letting go of me, then catching me again. He laughed and put me back on my feet. That wasnt a good idea. I tackled him while he was still weak from laughing and started tickling him. See, Russia may seem tough but he has a soft spot for his friends. He tried pushing me off but couldnt since he was laughing so god damn hard.

Russia's POV

America kept freaking tickling me and i somehow let it get to me! Im the tough russian dude and should be tickling him >:(  I finally got up and grabbed him by the arm, picking him up bridal style and throwing him hard onto the couch. He laughed then i just sat beside him. "Heh, im going to tell my dad's real quick so they dont worry." America nodded and i headed upstairs to tell them. I opened their door to just USSR sleeping with Nazi no where to be found. Weird. I woke him up and told him. Before i left i turned and asked "By the way, where is Papa?" He just sighed "He's getting our taxes and funds back, the hard way" I snickered, knowing what that meant. "Pffst okay. When he gets back, tell him everything ok?" "Alright, Have fun." I smiled and nodded heading out the door and back downstairs. I saw two others. "Uh...TF?" They both turned around, just Germany and Poland. "Oh hey russia!" They said in fusion. I laughed "Hey" America explained how they all needed to pack and get a good rest. "Oh fuck, i need to go. Sorry guys." America said, frowning. He got up and bear hugged me. I decided to give in no matter if germany and poland do fanboy about it. It was nice until he had to let go. Germany and poland go there stuff and said bye, America stayed behind and patted my head like a god damn dog. "What the hell?" he laughed and said bye. America is the weirdest dude to ever exist i swear. I cleaned up the kitchen a bit until Nazi came home. I finished and waved at him. "Hey son, i saw America, Germany, And poland outside. Know what thats about?" I told him and he just smiled. "Right, hope you have a good time." I smiled "Thanks dad." He was heading out then stopped. "What?" He turned slightly. I just realized thats the first time i called him dad. "I said, thanks dad." i said with a warm smile. He smiled and thought about something. "No problem son." Then headed upstairs. I was heading upstairs too when Ukraine came downstairs. "Hey russ. What are you doing up?" I was confuzzled. "Hm? Its not even that late." He looked at me like i was the stupidest thing to exist "Its literally 1 am dude." What..?  I must've cleaned for a while longer then expected"Hm, guess i lost track of time" He shrugged. And i headed to my room. Tomorrow will be a fun day, i get to spend time with america without japan ruining it. I smiled and slowly fell asleep.

(This one was rushed, sorry its short. 815 words tho :) 

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