Chap. 6 and A/N

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A/N- Thank you guys so much for the 60+ reads. I honestly dont like this story but if it keep getting reads, i will continue it. And not to mention the #7 in Nazi, that's such a big accomplishment to me, and out of 1.1k stories?! I've had Wattpad for quite some time, but i never expected to write something, and even thought 60+ doesnt seem like alot, it is to me. Thank you. I was going to end this story short but i may change my mind. :)  If you have any suggestions of fandoms with regular stories or oneshots, dont be afriad to ask. -Ex, Eddsworld, SallyFace, or some others.- Just wanted to thank you, again. :) 

Russia's POV

Once Ame and the others left, i immeditly ran up to my room to get packed. I was so stoked for this trip! I could spend so much more time with my step bro and America. And i guess Poland? He seems scared of me, even though im 99% sure its because of my dad's. Also, i bet he has a crush on Germany. I called America to see just how long we were going to stay there.

He said only a few days and there was a pool, so i needed to bring a pair of s.t's. I honestly forgot where i put them. I mentally slapped myself and got up to look for them. I searched under my bed, downstairs, until i looked in the very back of my closet, and found them.

No One's POV

Russia finished packing his clothes and decided to clean up for a bit. While he was cleaning the millions of Vodka bottles from under his bed, he found a picture of him and America hanging out together. He smiled at it, then grabbed a red marker drawing a red heart around America and putting it in his bag. Russia got up and made his bed, the sheet first then his two red and blue heavy but soft blankets. He opened his window, causing the wind to burst through like a volcano. Russia has always been a fan of the cold, so he found it calming. As the sun started to set, his room slowly filled with darkness. 

As russia played calming music, he decided to go on a nightly walk. He picked up his phone and put it on his nightstand, turning off the music, and grabbing his Adidas jacket with his keys. He turned off his light and headed out. He crept down the stairs and into the kitchen to write a note, when he heard a voice behind him, his sister Belarus..or Belorussia. "What are you doing big brother?"

 His sister was only 11 and he just turned around, hugged her and calmly said "Im just taking a walk, if dad asks where i am, just say that I'll be back." He smiled and she nodded running off to her room to do who knows what. Russia went into the garage and smiled seeing the garage door already open, indicating he didnt have to open it making a bunch of loud noise. He walked over to his 2018 ver. Of a Nissan. America surprised him with it a year ago, one of the best gifts he ever got. He started up the car, the engine not too loud. Russia put it in reverse and drove to a far away park. 

He parked his car and headed to a bench to relax. See, his brother Ukraine has been out for some time, so of course, guess who he saw. Ukraine. And, Canada? Russia smirked as he saw them sitting on a bench talking and cuddling. Russia decided to text Ukraine instead.

'Hey Bro, what are you doing?'

He saw his brother look as his phone and sigh "Its Russia." He mentally scoffed at this.

'Nothing Much. What the hell are you doing up?'

'The same thing you are.' 

He saw his brother's face turn into a confused face.

'What? The fuck you mean?'

'Look behind you dumbass.'

Ukraine hesitated, then finally turned around, seeing Russia and gasped. Russia laughed as Canada also turned around, confused, slowly blushing as he realized he got caught. Little did they know, America was also there and crept up behind Canada "Hey bro, heard you were sooooo busy!~" Canada quickly turned around "America?! What?! Russia?! Did you two plan this?!!" Ukraine was silently blushing as Russia explained he just saw them and decided to fuck with them. America agreed and smiled

Russia told them he had to go back or else he'd be dead for sneaking out. "Can i come with you?" America asked polietly, and of course Russia said yes. They were getting in the car as america suddenly spoke up "Me and Japan broke up." Russia looked at him with surprise. "Oh no dude, Are you okay?" America smiled and nodded. "We both like someone else and decided that being besties is better for us." Russia couldnt help but be jealous of him liking someone else but just started the engine with a soft "Oh.." He drove to ame's house and he thanked him. Russia could feel a blush spread across his face as America left. He shook his head trying to stop thinking about him, it didnt work. He drove home to a silent house as normal, relieved Belarus didnt snitch on him. He walked upstairs and changed into his boxers and a white shirt, falling onto his bed and curling up in his blankets, soon falling asleep to the sound of wind.

(919 words :)  )

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