Chapter 7 :)

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Third Person POV. (Thank you for 100+ reads im crYING-)

Russia woke up to his alarm on his phone going off. "Urggh, why.." He got up to his dresser and turned the annoying ringer off. He swore it gave him PTSD. '7:30 am' He sighed and went over to his closet, opening the door and grabbing an outfit. He was deciding if he should dress up for the trip, he thought not, but maybe just a little. He smiled as he picked out a normal, but different shirt, some black jeans with a gold chain on the pocket (Top pic), and checkered vans.

 He smiled as he picked out a normal, but different shirt, some black jeans with a gold chain on the pocket (Top pic), and checkered vans

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(Thats the shirt :), credit to artist)

He grabbed his suitcase -Wow extra- and grabbed a jacket while putting away his wallet and Ushanka. He almost ran down the stairs and into the kitchen to get breakfast. He grabbed a vanilla ice cream waffle cup his sister made, he assumed last night, and sat on the couch watching tv, trying to pass the time. Once the good part came on the show he was watching, like magic, there was a knock at the door. 'dammit' he thought. ''Coming!'' He yelled while turning off the tv and running to the door. "Hey Russ! Ready yet?'' America asked sweetly. "Of course, let me say bye to my fam, and ill be here." America nodded, pulling out his phone.

Russia said bye to his family and grabbed his suitcase, running to the door. The opened it, locking it and started to walk to America's car. 

Russia's POV

I locked the door to my house and turned around to see America. He smiled and started walking off to his car. He opened the trunk with his keys and grabbed my things, carefully putting them next to his. He moved his head, telling me to get in front. I agreed and got in. His car looked very fancy. I looked back to see Poland and Germany. Poland flinched when i said hi. "Hey dude, calm down. Im not going to eat you." America laughed. I sat back into my seat until germs spoke. "Hallo! Ame, warum hast du unser Zeug geworfen und seins sorgfältig gestellt ?!''

America looked at me with a confused look then giggled. "English mother fucker, do you speak it?" Germ's looked pissed then i guess calmed down. "America, you're such a pain..." Ame dramaticly gasped "Wow...and i know thats not what you said!!!" Germany shook his head as Poland laughed. "I said. why did you throw our stuff and softly put his bag in?" I swear i could see a blush form on his cheeks, i found it cute. Germany then smirked "Oh right, you loooooooooovvvvv-" America quickly shushed him while his blush grew more. "Pfft- Yeah ame, why did you baby mine~" I joked. He immeditly blushed more "I WILL TURN THIS CAR INTO A DITCH IF YALL DONT SHUT THE HELL UP!" All of us laughed while he mumbled curses. Poland actually talked to me, "Russ, can you turn up the music because Ame is pissed?" I smiled and nodded, turning it up. The car grew silent and we made a stop in front of a beautiful hotel. 'C.H HOTEL' I read the sign. America got out and i followed. He opened the trunk and smirked. "Hm?" I questioned, until he threw my suitcase at me almost hitting me in the head. "WTF AME?!" He laughed, "You teased me mother fucker!" I growled and grabbed my stuff, following Poland into the Hotel with Germs and Ame not far behind. America signed us in while me and germany spoke about nothing in particular. America walked up to us with a slight pink face. "Whats wrong?" He gulped "We um, in order to have the nicest room, we have to share 2 beds.." I froze while Germany looked at him with a 'Tf did you just say' face. "Thats okay.." Poland said out of nowhere. "Hm, yeah. I guess so. We can have some gay bonding time." Germany joked. I grinned and looked at America, "That's okay with you ba-..Ame..?" I blushed a little, he nodded. We agreeded with Poland and Germ's, then me and America. We all headed upstairs while walking to the right room.

America's POV

Once the elevator let us off, i walked in front of Russ, guiding them to the room. I opened the door with the key card, once the light turned green, i twisted the handle, opening the door and turning on the light. The room was a huge one, with 2 fancy made beds, a balcony with couches, a kitchen, and small living space. I stepped aside, letting my three friends in, watching as there faces changed to amazment. "Oh mother russia..." I giggled "Whatcha think?" ... "ITS PERFECT!" All of them said in sync. I hummed as russia jumped on the bed closes to the kitchen, raising his head and gasped. "THERE IS A KITCHEN??!" He got up, slipping a little while running to the fridge, opening it to see many, many snacks. I laughed at him being so adorable. I could feel a blush on my cheeks. Russia looked back at me and got up, running full speed into me making me fall over onto the bed while he hugged me yelling "AMERICA OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THIS IS PERFECT THANK YOUUU!!" I laughed and hugged him, staying like that for what seems like forever until Poland spoke up for once, "Okay love birds, we get it. Now get up." I frowned as Russ got up and smiled at me while walking to the balcony. I unpacked mine and his things, guessing where he wanted them while grabbing my swimming trunks. "Hey guys," i said getting there attention "Wanna go swimming?" They thought then nodded. I smiled, and went to one of the 3 bathrooms. I still had my shirt on while walking out, grabbing my towel. I walked over to me and Russia's bed while sitting down, going on Insta while waiting for my bois. Once everyone changed, we went out the door. I started running down the hall, determined to make it to the elevator first. I was too lazy to put shoes on, so i ran extra fast with no weight on my feet. I heard running behind me as i made it to the elevator, i got picked up by whoever it was and they threw me up like those actors at a dance. I laughed, seeing it was Germany. He caught me when i landed. I saw Russia and Poland talking while giving a simi rude and jealous look. I looked at them in a weird expression while the stopped talking and Russia gave me a smile. I found that weird. We walked into the elevator, waiting for it to open once again. The doors opened while we walked out, me and Germany being in front while Poland and Russ in the back. "Did you see the look they gave us?..'' He whispered  to me. ''You noticed that too..?" He nodded. "Maybe there just jealous~" I said jokingly while he laughed. We followed the signs on the hallways into the pool area. Luckily no one was there. I went over to a bench and put my towel down while taking off my shirt. I wasnt embarssed as i have been working out a little lately, and was putting on muscle. Surprising right? I dove right into the deep end, it was a little chilly but it was nice. I swam around underwater for a bit until i ran out of breath. I swam back to the surface, only to be hit by Russia taking off his shirt and freaking showing his god damn six pack like JESUS CHRIST. I immeditly felt my face heat up. I couldn't take this. I swam back down. Until i heard the one and only hot freaking Russia, jump in right beside me. 

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