chapter eleven :P

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Ame's pov

I walked into the hotel and chose to walk up the stairs to get to our room. I opened the door and saw Germany and Poland on the floor with russia. "What happened?" I saw russia look up and run towards me, directly hugging me. I hugged him back and heard his crying. "He randomly ran in here and was balling his eyes out, he said you just left and he was worried sick." germany explained. I smiled and rubbed circles in his back in some way of comfort. "dont you ever do that again america. i almost had a god damn heart attack." he let go of me and sniffled. "I wont, my dad called me in and um...found something, so i needed to go home real quick." They all nodded and i looked around, bored. "hey ame, can we go to the fair? I can tell your bored." i heard poland ask. I shot up and nodded. He smiled at me and got ready, same with the others.

No pov

Poland ran to his room and grabbed a jacket with germanys flag on it. He heard the door open and felt arms wrap around his waist. "whatcha doin?" he heard that german accent he loved. "getting a jacket." germany nodded and let go of him. Poland walked out and met up with America. Polands arm was on his waist with a gap between it. Ame laughed and snaked his arm around polands and smiled. Poland laughed and went along with it. Germany and Russia caught up with them and couldnt help but feel a hint of jealousy. They walked out the door, talking about nothing in particular. A few doors down they saw a door open and Philip with Spain walking out flustered as heck. Spain noticed them and elbowed Philip. " es que america..?" He asked. Philip turned his head and froze, nodding slowly

. Ame noticed them and let go of Poland. Philip spoke up, "Look ame, we um...wE'Ll lEaVe" He said grabbing Spain and running. America sighed. "What was that for?" Russia asked walking up. "Everyone is like, intimidated by me i guess...Its annoying." Germany laughed, "you? really." he glared at him. "shush" he kept walking

-time skip to da fair cuz me lazy-

America's pov

We got out of the car and walked over a stand with a line forming. We got our things and headed in. I felt my hand get intertwined with someones. I look up to see russia with a light pink dusted on his cheeks. I chuckle to myself and held his hand smiling. We walk over to a ride that seemed cool, yeah...dont always trust the cover of it. A few rides later we arrive at the ferris wheel with germany and poland a few people ahead.

We wait until it was our turn. I hop on happily while russia sat beside me. The wheel slowly headed up and once we got to the top, it was so beautiful. The lights of the city were all lit up and i felt overwhelmed, like the feeling i get when i see russia, he's just too perfect. I sigh thinking he'll never feel the same but shrug it off, trying to be happier "Hey america.." i heard russia say. He startled me because i was JUST thinking of him, i turned to him, "yes?" he closed his eyes and sighed "i-i.....ilikeyouandidontunderstandwhybutialwaysfeelsafearoundyouandiwaswonderingifyoucouldpossiblybemyboyfriendeventhoughyourprobalystraight"

He said quickly. I saw him blush. I was held back in surprise from his sudden words. It took me a second before i even realized what he said, once i did i felt my face heat up and it felt like i was on fire. I smiled even though being embarrsed, i grabbed his hands and looked him dead in the eye. Then...I kissed him. He froze then kissed back. I wanted this to last forever. I heard slight cheering in the background from many other countries. I pulled away and looked at him, he had tears rolling down both of his cheeks and i laughed rolling my thumb on his tears wiping them away.

"I'd love too." ......


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