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Yoongi stood silently, watching Taehyung eat.

They didn’t speak another word for the remainder of the small dinner, however, once Taehyung was done, he thanked Yoongi for the small meal.

They were about to leave, walking down the hall, when Taehyung stopped short, his eyes flicking up and down as Jungkook paused as well, having been walking down the other side of the hall.

Yoongi glanced between the two. He turned to Taehyung and sighed. “Do you remember what you told me?”

“He isn’t to blame.” Taehyung whispered.

“Exactly. I don’t think Jungkook is your trigger, Taehyung, I think he just reminds you of it. If you talk to him, I’m sure you’ll feel a little better.”

“What if I don’t want to?”

“Then that’s your decision. But I’m telling you now, you need someone to love and cherish you, and as much as I would love to do that, I can never be more to you than a friend. I already have someone for me. And I think that you need something more than just a friend.”

“Wouldn’t that be rushing it?”

“I never said right now. I’m saying later. It may be Jungkook, it may not be, but I think you should still talk to him about what happened and what will happen between the two of you.”

Taehyung hesitated for a moment, glancing between Yoongi and Jungkook, who had stayed in his spot on the other side of the hall through their conversation.

He slowly turned his gaze to Yoongi, nodding softly. Yoongi nodded back and stepped away from Taehyung, walking back from where they had come from.

Taehyung slowly walked over to Jungkook, who stayed put, unsure of what to do. “We should talk.” Taehyung said quietly.

Jungkook nodded, allowing Taehyung to lead him down the hall and into a random room. They sat down on the bed, facing each other.

A silence pervaded the air for a while, until Taehyung finally spoke.

“It’s not your fault.” He managed. “What happened. I blamed you...for a very long time. But I know that it wasn’t your fault.”


“You should not have left the way you did, but what happened to me, what happened to my family, was out of your control, you had no idea, and therefore, it wasn’t your fault.”

“I’m still sorry. You needed me when I wasn’t there.”

Taehyung was about to say something, but Jungkook cut him off.

“You were always there for me, Taehyung. You supported me in every way. You didn’t care that I was running around in some street gang, you didn’t let that be something that drove us apart. You didn’t force me to do anything, to leave my friends, my gang. You were fully supportive. You patched my wounds, hell, you even saved my life once. But the one time you needed me...I wasn’t there. I left you alone.”

“You were wrong to have simply wrote me a letter.” Taehyung admitted. “You should have come and spoken to me, I would have understood. I would never have held you back from your dreams, Jungkook.”

“I was just being a coward.” Jungkook whispered. “I knew that if I looked at you and told you to your face that I was leaving you to try and gain more money, more power...that I wouldn’t have been able to do it. I had to choose, and I chose the wrong thing.”


After a long talk, Taehyung and Jungkook were on better grounds.

They weren’t fixed yet, but it was better than before, and Yoongi was right, Taehyung did feel a hundred times better after having talked with Jungkook.

There still wasn’t really a set plan, on what to really do with Taehyung. Jungkook didn’t want him going back to the life he was living, he knew that Taehyung didn’t deserve to live that way.

And he was scared that Taehyung would kill himself.

So Taehyung would temporarily stay in Jimin’s room, until one was set up for him.

Of course, Jimin still had to be told everything that had happened in the last twenty four hours. Taehyung knew that the man only wanted to help, but he probably wouldn’t be able to do much.

Yoongi had suggested Taehyung also go and see a therapist. He had offered a few names, and Taehyung had told him that he would look it over and think about it.

Everything seemed to be going fairly smooth for Taehyung.

He was feeling a bit better about life…

But not by much.

He knew that there was still a lot to get over. Still a lot to recover from.

But for the first time in a long time…

He had a bit of hope that everything would be alright.

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