Twenty Five

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“Where are you going?” Taehyung whined, rolling over in the bed. Jungkook sighed. 

“I have to go down to the police department today…” Jungkook whispered carefully. “They wanted my statement regarding Eun.” Taehyung stiffened as Jungkook mentioned the name. 

“But…” Taehyung looked down biting his lip. “I don’t want you to go.” Jungkook sighed, kissing the top of the man’s head. 

“You asked me to let the law handle this.” Jungkook whispered. “And I’m going to.” He added. “Which means that I have to go and give the police my statement so that they can put him away. Okay?”

Taehyung nodded slowly, tilting his head upwards and kissing Jungkook on the lips. “Okay.” He whispered softly. 

Jungkook walked away, biting his lower lip. He wanted to kill that motherfucker. He wanted him to be buried six feet under, his body parts spread across the world where no one would ever be able to find the whole body. Nobody touched Taehyung, nobody. 

Jungkook got into his car, driving to the police station. He entered, attention seeming to fall upon him as he walked right past reception and to one of the officers on his payroll.

The officer sat up straight in his seat once Jungkook took the chair across from his desk, sitting down casually, taking his coat off in a relaxed manner. “Officer Choi.”

“Mr. Jeon.” The Officer bowed his head in respect. 

“You’re in charge of the Eun case, correct?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I want you to get him life without parole.”

“B-But sir, that would be impossible with the kind of charges he’s getting—“

“Life without parole, Choi. Nothing more, nothing less.” Jungkook said firmly, his face neutral, But his voice laced with thinly veiled threats. 

Choi sighed, looking down and at his papers, shuffling through them. “If you give me some time...I’m sure I could dig up some more about him and get what you want, Mr. Jeon. But it might take some more time.”

“I’ll give you all the time you need.” Jungkook said, leaning on the backrest of the chair and crossing his arms. “I don’t mind, I’ve got all the time in the world. But you will get him life without parole, got it?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. I’d like to see him now, if you don’t mind.”


“Set up a room.” Choi immediately stood. He had no choice. Jungkook paid him, had dirt on him that could get him into major trouble with the law if he didn’t abide to his every request. 

The whole station was basically under his payroll, the whole system under his foot. So he had to do what the man said. 

He grabbed Eun and put him into one of the interrogation rooms, leading Jungkook to the room once everything had been set up. 

Jungkook entered and stared at the doctor he’d entrusted with the safety and recovery of his love with. He took a seat at the table, across from the doctor, staring down at him. 

“Are you going to hurt me?” The doctor asked. But there was no fear in his voice, no regret in his eyes. It was a simple question. 

“No. I just want some answers.” Jungkook said casually. “I want to know why you hurt Taehyung.”

“Why?” The man scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Well, that’s easy. You have quite a few enemies, Jeon. You may overlook them, you may not care up at the top, but you have them. You have people who wish to hurt you in every way they can.” Eun sat back in his chair, as far as the handcuffs cuffing him to the table allowed him to do so. 

“And I suppose that you are one of my enemies?”

“You killed my family. My wife and my four year old little girl.” Eun spat, hatred glowing in his eyes. “You took everything from me! And when I found out someone precious to you was going to be under my care?” The man sneered. “I wanted you to know what it felt like, having something, everything you care about ripped away from you.”

Jungkook clenched his hand into a fist looking away. 


It was him again. 

He got up without another word, walking out of the room. 

He got into his car and drove off, but he didn’t go home. Instead, he found himself speeding down a random street, thoughts coursing through his mind. 

His fault, always his fault! Why did everything bad that ever happened to Taehyung have to be tied to him? Have to be because of him?

He just wanted the man to be happy. 

And with a sorrow filled heart…

Jungkook realized that it wouldn’t be with him. 

It would never be with him. 


Okay, so here's the thing.

I've decided to take the smut warning off of this book, because there will be no smut. I feel like with the topics and nature of this story it would be inappropriate to add it.

I hope you understand! And if you're mad...

Well I actually don't care because I have about 30 other smut filled stories you can read :)

Well I actually don't care because I have about 30 other smut filled stories you can read :)

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