Nightmares of the Past and Worry Blooms

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Warning: mentions of abuse and homophobia and stuff. Idk I'm tired.

Eduardo was hanging with his cousin Isaac after school.
Isaac had to come and live with Eduardo's family for a while because of his mother not being fit enough to care for him.
Not that Eduardo thought his family was fit, but it was a family no less and at the age of ten, Eduardo knew not to ask for more.
His mother was a kind, gentle soul with a voice as soft as silk and the palest skin. Her hair was caramel hued and curled in little ringlets at the bottom. She cooked large meals and made sure he and Isaac had plenty to eat. He loved his mother dearly.

His father on the other hand....
Eduardo's father was hard working, that was true but he was not kind and understanding like his mother.
His father was domineering and half drunk most of the time. Eduardo had learned at a young age to stay clear of him when he came home around dinner.
It was like a game to Eduardo in a way, which had simple rules.
'Don't disturb the dragon'
Eduardo would sit with them for dinner, eat all his food. God forbid he not finish a meal. His father would force feed him for wasting it.
Eduardo would not speak, unless spoken too.

Isaac however did not understand these unspoken rules.
....It's what got the poor boy in trouble alot and all Eduardo could do was watch silently while thirteen year old Isaac dealt with the consequences.
Sometimes, Eduardo's mom would try to defend the boys, diverting the drunk's attention from them to herself.
That never ended well for her.
Eduardo could distinctly remember the image of his father dragging his mother on the floor by her hair outside one night.

She didn't come back after that.
Isaac and Eduardo became the main source of abuse then.

Isaac, being the elder tried to protect Eduardo, but more often then not they were both targetted.
Bruises accumulated on the boys over the years. Fear and rigidness overtook them making them feel as though they had to put up an act of toughness to keep safe.

Some days Eduardo thought of running as far as possible multiple times, but soon would take in the matter that he would have no where to go and he would cry over it.
Isaac would try and comfort him, much like his mother. It never made him feel any better though, but he did feel some bit of contentment having someone to talk too. Little did he know he would lose that too.

Isaac was severely injured by his father one night. The fight was caused by the fact that Isaac was with another boy from school, one of his closest friends in fact.
His father had caught them kissing and that was it for Isaac.

Eduardo was hiding away under his bed as he listened to the shouting and crashing noises, terrified over what would happen next.
The boy with Isaac had ran passed his door and left the house and all fell  silent.

Not only a half an hour later, there were sirens.
In a flash there were cops running in, searching the entire house. He watched his dad get drug out of the house shouting and struggling, "that piece of shit deserved what was coming! Little fucker stole my money and was gonna run off with it!"

Eduardo backed up under the bed further, whimpering as he saw Isaac carried away not too long after his father. He was covered in blood and laying limp in the cop's arms.

He could hear his quiet rasped words calling him.
The cop hushed him, "don't worry son, were getting you help.
The cop then disappeared behind to wall.
"Isaac...." the young boy whispered to the other, as if he could hear him. His vision blurred and warm tears rolled down his cheeks.
He violently tore out from under the bed, scratching his shoulder harshly.
"ISAAC!" He shouted desperately running out of bedroom.
He chased after the cop relentlessly, but when he was close enough to reach, he disappeared.

He then was in front of large stone. One that stood out from many others, engraved in the square like stone was the name,
Isaac O'neal.

Eduardo stood silently, tears still streaming. His grandmother's hand laid over his shoulder to comfort him.
"There, there sweetie, he's in a better, safer place now."

Then that image darkened and lit up to the image of his mother standing in front of him.
"Baby, do mommy a favor?" She spoke softly.
"Yes mama."
"Promise mommy you won't be like your daddy."
Eduardo nodded silently, earning himself a gentle hug from his mother. He inhaled the scent of roses and sighed contently.
He was safe and warm with her again, but she faded away all too soon.
In her place stood Jon, with short caramel hair and his feminine features and it was then he noticed that Jon....reminded him of his mother.

"You lied to her," he simply said as he unbuttoned his blue button up. Eduardo took a step back.
"You broke your promise."
The smaller spoke again as he shirt dropped to the floor.
The large scar over Jon's lower abdomen and chest looked angry with so many staples.
Jon stepped closer to him, "help me."
Eduardo sucked in a short breath, his throat felt as though it was being constricted.
Jon was pressed up against him now, looking up at him with those black voids he had for eyes
" me."
He couldn't breath, couldn't speak. His throat burned.

Eduardo jolted awake in a cold sweat. He gasped out for air and held his throat to check for anything that could be cutting off his air supply.
When he found none, he relaxed and sat back on the couch.
He sighed and stared up at the ceiling. 'The hell?'

It's like two in the morning, this probably makes no sense but I'm posting it anyway. I'll fix it later....maybe.
Hghhhhh I'm so tired but I can't sleep.

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