The Truth

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Also hi, how was you're day? Enjoy the chapter n' stuff.
....if you don't condone sexual content or are an innocent little lamb... I beseech you, run.

Eduardo watched the man before him breakdown again, though this time Jon was trying to stay quiet.
The American could tell this from the way the brit bit at his bottom lip. A bit to hard for Eduardo's liking; he was sure those teeth would leave a bruise or brake skin and if not stopped, Jon may just pull his hair out.

So Eduardo did his best to slowly walk around the bed and seat himself carefully near him. He'd hesitated a moment before reaching up a hand to brush down Jon's thin arm as a mean of comfort.
When there was no ill reaction, he moved that hand to cup the side of Jon's cheek to wipe away running tears from under his left eye.
"Jon," he addressed him softly.
Jon shook his head and turned away from the offending hand.
Eduardo dropped his hand in deafeat and let his head bow in disappointment or guilt, maybe a mix of the two.
"I'm sorry, for how I acted. I really was a dick. Worse than that. I wish I'd realized how perfect you...." he trailed, pausing when he found his words weren't helping. "I'm sorry."
The man then stood, grabbed his  missing green jacket from the luggage, and put it on.
Without another word he was out the door.
Jon sat there in silence, so full of confusion, anger, and despair.
He was so angry at Eduardo. The man who had him out so late in the first place. The man who was never greatful for anything nice he'd done for him. It was his fault all this had happened to him. He would've never been taken away to the Red Army for experiments if he wasn't running from him.
Before then all he wanted was for Eduardo to be caring and kind to him. Jon wanted to feel as if he wasn't just there to be mocked and cut down for being himself and maybe....maybe he did hope for a day; a day when Eduardo would look at him like he was something special. Jon wanted the man to appreciate him and care for him like he did for him. He had wanted the man's love.

What a sick joke to tell him after everything that's happened.
Jon wasn't sure if he could even feel love anymore.
He couldn't feel pain anymore, he feared no danger. In fact, he even embraced it in hopes of ending his suffering.
Jon scrubbed at his eyes, listening to the sounds of the hotel room now that it was silent. He hated the silence.
He didn't want to be alone, but loneliness was creeping up his spine.
Was this the real reason he'd taken Eduardo? To not be alone on this shitty run away? He'd hadn't done much to torture him since he'd knocked the man out, but he did enough to make him know he was angry.
That didn't bother him though. What bothered him was why he cared for revenge in the first place.
Jon's attempt was a bit half assed in hindsight. He hated many people for what was done to him, but never cared enough to act on vengence.
So why bring Eduardo along with him to this point?

Then it hit him. He was still in love with the bastard. Despite everything he loved him and he despised that.
Eduardo told him he loved him twice now.
The American allowed himself to be kidnapped, wasn't angry after being drugged up and hadn't taken advantage of Jon's mental break down in the car.

Upon realisation of such a simple thing, he stood and ran out the door.
"Eduardo?! He called, searching out from the rails to spot the man.
He caught a glimpse of him slowly stalking down the sidewalk, away from the hotel.
Jon ran down the rusty stairwell and rounded the corner at the bottom.
"Eduardo!" He called again as he caught up with him.
The brunette had stopped to turn back around when Jon collided into him.
Their teeth clashed together on impact, causing Eduardo to groan out in pain. It was the perfect chance for the smaller to deepen the kiss. It was....nice.

Jon's toes barely touched the ground as he arched into the larger. His arms were draped over Eduardo shoulders as he kissed him.
Eduardo was in a state of shock for a split second before immediately wrapping his arms around Jon's waist and returning the passion vigorously.

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