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A half an hour later Jon was reading through random magazines to waste more time.
Eventually he decided to return, both because he was tired and an employee was staring him down like she thought he was stealing.

He reluctantly left the store and strolled down the rode that directed straight to his neighborhood.

"Excuse me?"

Jon jumped at the sound of another voice and quickly turned.
There, a man with  a unlit cigarette in his mouth waved, "sorry to bother you, but do you got a light on ya?"

Jon smiled apolegetically, "no sorr- "

"BEACAUSE FOR YOU, IT'S LIGHTS OUT!" Patryk shouted from behind him, hitting Jon upside the head with a baseball bat they bought from the store.
The force knocked Jon out, his body face down on the ground.

"That....was just uncalled for," Paul spoke and lit his cigarrette, "poor guy's gonna have a hell of a concussion."
Patryk snapped, "you're uncalled for!"
Immediately after he said it he covered his mouth,
"I didn't mean it like that!"

Paul sniffed, "it's too late, you hurt my feelings."
Patryks eyes widened and he slouched guiltily, "really?"
"You bitch."

Paultryk relationship goals.
Everyone have a wonderful Friday night.
Be safe. Don't do drugs.
Hah Jk I can't stop you.

I'm gonna eat peanut butter toast with a roasted marshmallow cause I'm poor and can't afford cake.

Eduardo x Jon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now