Massages and Breakdowns

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                            's been while. Shit happens. It's cool now though.
Not only that, but I'm working on a big story project with my friend. We've been off an on working on it, and it's kinda taking up a bit of my time. So heh, sorry.
Enjoy chapter~
Update: just gave the chapter a picture from the very talented MyFavoriteNumberIs13. I absolutely love this and it made me very happy! Thankyou so much!

Jon had floated along the dark void of unconsciousness before he was brought out into the world with a jolt. He snapped his eyes open to reveal darkness and sat up to take in his surroundings.
He could hear crickets just outside the window and sighed in relief when he remembered where he was.
Jon laid back, turning on his side to come face to face with the man who'd he just realized had an arm strowed over his midsection.

Eduardo was sound asleep.
Jon envied how peacefully he slept and hated himself for never being able to relax enough to actually rest.

He'd watched the larger for a good thirty minutes before the man mumbled something and raked his arms toward him, pulling Jon to a tan broad chest and directly under his chin.

"Seriously?" Jon scoffed, pushing against the warm skin in front of him. He made it to an inch before the hold on him strengthened.
Jon growled and pushed harder for a full ten minutes before finally giving up.
He accepted that he was trapped until further notice and was fairly grumpy about it.
The brit inhaled the smell of cologne, an effect of his closeness to the other male, and the scent had his face heating in reaction.
He wasn't sure of the reason, was it normal to have such a reaction?
In seconds he felt warm all over. As if the smell of evergreen and whatever else in Eduardo's musk could relax his body completely.
He soon felt lethargic and comfy.
Was he dreaming?
Unable to break through to reality he pressed his nose into the crook of Eduardo's neck to get lost in such an intoxicating smell.

What's was going on?

He almost nuzzled in the patch of skin when his lips had brushed over it.
He did so again and again until he was literally gently kissing the larger's shoulder, trailing them over his stubbly chin and jaw.

'What am I doing...?'

"I don't know, but it feels great, keep doin' it."

Jon froze, had he said that outloud?
" long were you awake?"

Eduardo turned on his side, propping himself up with smirk forming his lips, "a minute or two."

Jon flushed and began to scramble back, "sorry, I think I should move to the floor-" he spoke nervously, barely able to turn around when his back was pulled flush against the other's chest.
"The floor is hardly comfortable," Eduardo stated in protest.
"Well, I sleep better on the floor anyway so-"
The American laughed, "really? That's the best excuse you could come up with?"
Jon felt himself burning with embarrassment. He shook, unsettled by the closeness and suddenly felt trapped.
Eduardo seemed to notice this by how still he was and let him go.
"Look, forget about it, pretend nothing happened. I will too, okay?"
Jon scooted further away and nodded.
He expected for the night to continue with the two as far apart as possible, but of course he couldn't get that.

Eduardo had reached out and squeezed his shoulder, which had him frozen still again.
"You're really tense, you should relax."

Jon gripped at the sheets beneath him, "I'm an army soldier of important missions and the frontlines. I am physically and mentally unable to relax," he stated robotically.

The hand hadn't left, instead it kept neading at his tense shoulder.
It had hurt the first couple of times, squeezing at sore, strained muscles before the heat of the hand seeped into his skin. His muscles slowly gave into the soft but thorough like massage and he sighed.
That was a mistake.
As soon as he sighed, it was indication of enjoyment in which Eduardo took advantage of.
The man had sat up, used a newfound strength to roll Jon onto his stomach and bracketed him from behind.
Jon prepared to attack in defense when those warm hands pressed against his back.
"Calm down, I'm trying to get you to relax."

Jon huffed, "you could've gone about it a better way."

Eduardo hummed, "oh well," and began to nead at either side of Jon's shoulders. It was better do to the fact that one side was already relaxed, but the other side stung with each movement until it fully untensed aswell.
The hands then slid down to both his scapulas. Calloused thumbs dipped under the bone and circled his bare skin.
Jon had to bite his lip and  grip the fabric underneath his pillow.
He couldn't admit to himself that this felt good. He didn't want it to feel good. It made a million questions rise up in his mind.

Why was this happening? Why was he letting it happen? Was Eduardo seducing him? Was this apart of some ultimate plan to get back him?
The thought had him tensing more.

Then came a soft whipser, hot and moist against his ear with a soft deep undertone that made Jon shiver, "relax."

"How?" Jon muttered, angry with himself for being so receptive.
Those thumbs were running a line of circles under the back of his rib cage now and he heard himself whimper.

"Does that hurt?" Eduardo questioned. It was the total oppsite.

"You're too close," Jon spoke immediately and added a lie, "and you're crushing me."
Thankfully Eduardo sat back up.
"Sorry," he apologized and slid his hands lower, "you have a bruise here..."
When had his shirt been lifted?

"That's where the chemicals were inducted, it won't heal, it's the last one I got before I became unkillable."
"You mean immortal?" Jon didn't notice the hands slipping from his back to his sides.
"No, I don't know if I'll grow old and die, so not immortal as far as I know."

"Interesting," Eduardo replied.
He sounded as if they were only talking, but as a matter of fact he was glaring down at the offending bruise.
"Do you know who did it?"

Jon nodded, "his name was Roderick. He was a doctor and a sadistic son of bitch."

"I'd guess so."

"Mmhmmm..." Jon hummed sleepily now from his muscles finally relaxing.
He was actually fighting to stay awake, but it was battle he was losing.

Eduardo was smiling behind him, eyes softening while the other hummed in appreciation.

"Jon," he spoke lowly in almost a whisper.
The honey blonde did not respond and Eduardo leant back down, placing both hands on either side of him as to not crush him.
He came close to the other's ear, breath blowing his hair slightly, "Jon..."
He whispered again, and was then granted with an answering hum.
"I love you."
Jon froze again, eyes snapping open. He hadn't realised when he did, but he whipped around and shoved Eduardo off the bed.
The larger had fell to the floor with a loud THUMP!
When he'd moved to stand, Jon backed against the headboard and held his knees to his chest.
"Jesus christ!" Eduardo nursed the back if his head with his hand, "the hell was that-"

"YOU DON'T!" Jon shouted.
Jon shook his head angrily and continued. "DON'T FEED ME THAT BULLSHIT! YOU DON'T! YOU DON'T LOVE ME!"
He was grabbing at his hair now and yanking at it.
"Jon, Jon calm down," Eduardo tried and stepped closer.
"You don'" and Jon broke down again.

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