The Escape

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"GUESS WHAT JOHNNY BOY!?" Patryk's loud voice called out enthusiastically.
Jon had been sitting in the cafeteria idly nibbling a piece of toast. "What?"

Patryk smirked, "you get to go on a 'special' mission!"

Jon cocked an inquisitive brow, "does it involve being shot multiple times?"


"Am I going to get my throat slit again?"


Jon huffed and put down the toast, "am I going to die?"

Patryk laughed, "haha, no."
He ruffled the younger's hair.
"We will be with you through the Bluetooth the whole way. You'll be fine."
Jon rolled his eyes.
Like that was what he was worried about. He prayed for death to take at times.
Instead if voicing that he instead remarked about his attire.
"Do I get to wear normal clothes or do I have to look like a cospayer?"

It was a warm spring day in England. Everyone was out walking around the city and enjoying their daily lives.

If only Jon could say the same.
He was dressed nicely, black slacks and white button up. He was given a gray vest that fit him perfectly and shiny black shoes.
All of it seemed a bit much for someone who was lackadaisically waiting for a dealer whilst gorging on a burger from McMeaty's.
He stood, resting his back against the wall and watched all the different people pass by.
Once he'd finished his meal he crumpled the wrapping it had been in and tossed it into a bin a few feet away. He then glanced to his watch and nonchalantly snuck around the corner.
He strutted forward into the shadowed alley where he warily glanced around.

He brought his fingers to the Bluetooth in his ear, wondering when Paul or Patryk would be showing they were still there.
Earlier they had been speaking before there was an and abrupt screeching of a mic and a thud.

"Red light blue light." He spoke aloud, but quiet enough as to not attrack attention.

Within seconds a man made himself visible when he'd stepped out of the darkness.

"You got what I asked for?"
Jon sighed and pulled out a small package from his vest.
He held it out, only to snatch it away from the approaching hand.
"Payment first."

The man smiled and reached a hand in his coat, "smart kid,"
Jon watched him carefully in those few seconds.

"But you stupid when it comes to reading the room."
The man's hand snapped out of his jacket and he fired instantly.
Jon had prepared for this and shielded himself with his arms.

Jon smirked and let his arms fall, "am I?"
The brit then ripped a few prices of bullet out of his lower arm, advancing forward when the man was caught off guard.

"W-what the hell are you?!?"
"The perfect soldier," Jon stated without pride.
He then grabbed the barrel of the gun and placed it against his chest.

"Wanna try again?" The perfect soldier smirked borderline insanely.

The dealer ripped away from him, "you're crazy!"

"Only a little," Jon responded and shot the man as soon as he was a yard or two a way. He hastily sped walked to him and looked through the severely injured man's pockets.
He obtained a small metal box from his searching and slid it into his vest pocket.

He then nonceremoniously alternated the gun to his left where he then pressed it against his arm, where his tracker was.

All he needed to do was shoot it and rip it out. Hell, it might just pop out with force of the bullet.
He took a breath and yanked the blue tooth out of his ear.

'Come on Jon....' He told himself.
'Grow some balls and shoot....'

He pulled the trigger before any second thoughts and gunfire echoed in his ear.
He didn't flinch at the pain, used to it by now. Instead he pressed his fingers into the gushing wound to check for any sign if the device. Glancing to the floor to find a small metal blinking circle he stepped back.

He was free.

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