Chapter 24

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Sorry for not updating in so long.. I guess I was taking a little break and to relax and think out the story a bit. I'm just writing as the story is going. Hopefully this chapter will be good, unlike every other chapter..

Jess's POV

"Taylor can I talk to you?"I asked nervously. ''Please just give me 2 minutes to explain.''

"Ok, you have 2 minutes." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"That night back in California, Cameron was mad, he didn't understand why I picked you over him. He kissed me thinking that it was going to change my mind! And it didn't, I still don't want to be with him, just you. I didn't kiss him back, right when you got in the room, I was about to push him off me. He's a jerk, I don't want him. I want you. These past few days have been hell without you around me." I said in one breathe, waiting to see how he reacts.

Taylor just stared at me letting everything I said flow through his mind. I can see a smile grow on his face.

"I'm sorry for not believing you. I was just so pissed off, I didn't know what to believe. I missed you so much. I can't believe I let you go like this. Will you ever forgive me?" He said, I could see tears forming at the corner of his eyes.

"It's ok, I understand." I said leaning in giving him a hug. "Yes I forgive you."

I felt his arms wrap around me. He squeezed his arms tighter and tighter which was starting to suffocate me.

"Taylor. I. Can'. Breathe." I said.

"I'm sorry, I just really missed your hugs." He said letting go of me.

He looked in my eyes, I saw him look at my lips then back at my eyes. He then leaned in and kissed me.

I felt that spark again.

Wow, I really did miss his lips.

I kissed him back as a wrapped my hands around his neck.

"I missed you so much." He said in between kisses.

As I felt his hands move closer to my butt, someone interrupted us.

"I see someone has apologized?" I hear Isabella say.

I turned to her and she wiggled one of her eyebrows and winked at me.

"Yes we actually did" I said a smile spreading across my face.

"Oh my god! Really?" She yelled, a smile spreading across her face. "Now that you guys are good again, will you guys agree to come eat out for supper with everyone?"

I looked at Taylor, to see what he says.

"Yeah, we would love to go!" Taylor said smiling.

"Ok! we are going somewhere fancy, so dress up nice!" She said turning around going back upstairs. "Be ready for 6:30."

"Im going to go get ready, I'll see you later ok?" I said kissing Taylor's cheek and walking back upstairs.

I check my iPhone, it's 3:30. "I have 3 hours to get ready." I said to myself.

I entered my room, walking straight to my dresser.

"What to wear, what do wear." I said throwing some of my clothes on the floor.

As I was looking through my dresser, I found a dress that I remembered buying in Cali.

A dress that was cross strapped in the back, stripped blue and white. The top of the dress was tight and the bottom was flowy at the bottom. It reached to the top of my knees.

I decided to curl my hair since I didn't do that in a while. My iPhone blasted to some of my favorite songs.

After that my hair was done, I did my makeup. I usually never did it, but since it was fancy I was going to . I put my foundation and concealer (trying to hide the circles under my eyes), I put a bit of white eyeshadow to make my blue eyes pop out more.

I put my dress on and looked in the mirror.

I actually looked good, just one thing missing, shoes.

"ISABELLA!" I yelled walking into her room. "I need shoes ASAP."

"Ok, woman. Calm down!" She said looking at me. "You look freaking gorgeous!"

"Thanks bb, you too!" I said hugging her.

Isabella was wearing a purple dress that we bought together. It was a dress just like mine but just plain purple.

Isabella went up to her closet and looked around.

"What about these?" She said waving a pair of white heels in the air.

"YES! Thank you!" I said grabbing them and running back in my room.

It was 6:25. Just enough time to make sure I look perfect.

I add some lipgloss.

"You ready?" I hear Nash's voice say.

"Yes! I'll be right down." I said grabbing my white purse.

As I walked out of my room, Isabella was there waiting for me.

We interlocked our arms together and walked down to the living room.

Everyone was staring at us.

Taylor's mouth kinda fell open, which made me blush.

He was wearing a white button up shirt with kaki pants. His hair looked perfect, it flowed perfectly around his forehead.

"Hey beautiful." Taylor whispered in my ear pulling on my waist.

"Hey handsome." I said winking at him.

We all walked up to a limo to get to the restaurant.

-----------------skip car ride---------------

The limo came to a stop in front of a restaurant I never heard of called 'Chez Milo's.'

There was a big window showing all the tables inside. Only a couple of people were sitting down.

We all walked in and waited to be seated.

Beside me at the table, Taylor was at my right and Matt and my left.

The guys kept fooling around, through pieces of bread after each other.

Everyone started ordering their food.

As I started to day what I wanted someone interrupted me yelling.

"Oh my god Taylor is that you??" Some fake blonde said walking in. ------

Authors note: hello everyone! Im back! Sorry i was taking a little break but im finally back! Sorry for the cliff hanger! Who is itt that showed up?? anyways thank you for 14,9k! Almost at 15k! This is pretty amazing, thank you so much!😊 im hoping to have you guys a new chapter soon! Thanks for all the reads! Keep reading, leave me nice comments on what I should maybe do, it is very appreciated!☺️ goodnight guys!

-C :)

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