Chapter 12

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Sasuke POV

Wow. Akuma was just going on with her lecture. It was harsh, but the cold truth.

I look at her and see she's saying this looking with a faraway look in her eyes. A cool wave of understanding rolls in my chest tells me she's not making this up... she has actually lived this. 

That pull in my gut tells me she has experience, lots of it. I slightly narrow my eyes, some might think that I am doing this because I disapprove of her but...

I want to fight her.


I instantly turn my head to the sound. My eyes widen slightly.

Kakashi and Akuma.

Kakashi's right hand pointing to the left. Akuma's head to the left looking at us. Her face is pale and I see her eyebrows raised meaning her eyes were widened. Her sunglasses stayed on though. Kakashi comes over to the three of us, still shocked, and explains the rules for the survival test. The others pay attention closely, not even caring about what just happened. I break my line of sight from Kakashi and look towards Akuma. It's... not good. She's standing there, head down, breathing so erratic it looks painful, and she was... trembling. She going to collapse.

"Akuma!" I yell sprinting for her, but not in time. She hits the ground. Kakashi and the others come towards her along with me. She's trembling and trying to breathe, it looks like a panic attack. I see Kakashi go forward and try to touch Akuma, I felt like hitting him.

Idiot, she's like this because you hit her. As soon as Kakashi's hand touches Akuma she darts away. She reminds me of an injured animal.

"Oi, get up we need to start the test. Come on," Sakura says lazily. I see Naruto and Kakashi look at her boredly. Out of all people I thought Naruto would be the last person to neglect someone who was in trouble. I am actually surprised our jounin sensei is acting so hostile towards his student, while she might not be the nicest person here, but she's stronger than the other two idiots. I realize I am glaring at the three.

"Neee~ Sasuke-kun lets start without her. Sasuke-kun?" She tilts her heard questioning who I am glaring at. Kami, she is annoying.

Sigh, "What the hell is wrong with you three? Sakura shut the hell up, you know she was completely right on her evaluation on us, on you. Naruto, what the hell are you doing? I thought you considered her a 'friend', why the hell are you just standing around? I thought you of all the people in this village would help her since you know what it's like to be on the other end of the stick. Kakashi, you're our jounin sensei who acts like he doesn't give a shit whether she lives or dies. She's your student whether you like it or not. What she was saying was 100% true and the way she says it was from experience, it was in her eyes. She thought she was doing the right thing by telling us. She is our teammate whether you all like it or not, deal with it." I finished with anger.

This is the most I've talked in years, but... I actually felt like I needed to.

That was a brief shock.

Maybe it's because they're acting like idiots.

Something about her makes me feel like she's a child that needs protection... at least emotionally, she sure as hell doesn't look like one... I don't let that blush surface... The three look at me wide-eyed and mouths gaping. Akuma was the only one to treat me indifferently, like an actual person, not a fangirl, but someone who was willing to give respect to by action not beliefs. Not that I'll ever admit it, but I do consider someone I could possibly consider a friend... maybe. A big ass maybe. I look over at Akuma to see she's passed out. I walk a little fast to her and bend down, it seems she is sleeping.

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