Chapter 17- Wake up it's Christmas

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Chapter 17- wake up it's christmas

“wake up, it's christmas morning.” Ginny said as she shook me awake. I had hardly spent any time talking to anyone and I was still coming to terms with what their theory was I mean my father and mother no it's against everything they believed in.

I got out of bed placing my feet on the cold ground and walked downstairs with the Weasley family. Harry walked through the door a little later to the rest of us and sat opposite me.

“merry christmas Harry.” I said to him.

“Daddy's home.” Molly announced as she came in pushing Arthur in a wheelchair. We all clapped as she placed him near the table. It was good to have Mr Wealsey back.

“it's good to have you back Mr Weasley.” I said to him as he smiled.

“thank you, if it wasn't for Harry I wouldn't be here.”

“oh presents.” Molly announced as she came over holding various different packages. She gave one to all her family, trying to work out who was who out of Fred and George which made me laugh and then finally placed a present each to Harry and I.

I opened up my present from the Weasleys to find a hand knitted scarf inside, it was a brown/red colour with bits of yellow, green and blue within it.

“thank you.” I said as I wrapped the scarf around my neck trying I tout before placing it back on the table. I looked up to see Sirius standing there with an amused look on his face, Harry was looking in his direction and got up to join him.

“Amanda dear, your mother left this here with me, she said she would give it to you today and to hide it from you. I understand now probably why she wanted me to look after it for.”

“thank you.” I said as she handed me a rectangular box. I took hold of it and made my way upstairs to the room I was sharing with Ginny.

I sat on my bed and opened the box to find a gold necklace with a heart locket, as I opened the locket I saw a picture of my mother and I on one side and a family photo with uncle Amos and Cedric on the other side. I clipped the necklace around my neck before looking back in the box to see a bracelet. I recognised the bracelet straight away, I had lost it a few years ago. There was a single sliver of silver in the middle on one side was the colours red and gold and on the other yellow and black. I picked it up and turned the sliver over to see the engraved words: happy first year, Cedric. The other side had one simple word which spoke a thousand proud. I wrapped the bracelet around my arm before looking inside the box. The sheet of cardboard I thought both the necklace and bracelet turned out to be an envelope with my name scribbled on the front. I took it out the box and ripped it open.


If you are reading this then it means that i'm not there. This is my back up present giving to Molly should anything happen to me. I've probably been classed as vanished like other witches and wizards. You've probably be told by now that your father was actually a Slytherin and for that I am sorry I couldn't do it myself.

Your father was a good man and when I met him he was a boy plagued with a lot of decisions. I thought I could save him and I did. I saved him from the grasp of death eaters and he who shall not be named, we were in love and to me that was all that mattered. I feared for your father as soon as I heard the story of he who shall not be named killing our poor Cedric, many people thought it was crazy your father even did but I knew it was true.. I thought I had saved your father those many years ago because I meant more to him that that did. You could imagine my surprise when I saw him talking to Lucius Malfoy in an alleyway in Diagon Alley when he was supposed to be at work.. I asked him about it when he came home and he got angry and defensive , he told me that I didn't understand and that he was always waiting for the day that he would return so that this time he could show his truly loyalty towards him.

I was shocked your father had lied to me all these years and all I wanted to do was to keep you safe, I didn't want him trying to influence you in any way . I told him that he should leave and there was no place for him here anymore and he left. But he did promise one thing that he would come back for me one day because if he had to come to the order than I would have to go to their side this time and take our rightful place. I dread leaving you behind but it is for your own safety, but he may come for you Amanda, you must not do anything that he says under any circumstances. Stay with the Weasleys they are the most trusting people that I know and I know that they will take good care of you. And Hogwarts is one of the most safest places that I know.

Please be safe for me and try to stay out of trouble although I know you probably won't. When this is all over it will be me and you against the world, but for now I must leave you alone. But do know this I love you and I always will love you, no matter where I am. Your father can try to change my opinion but he won't and if you see him please don't let him get into your head. Us Diggorys are stronger than we look.

See you soon

love mum x

As I finished reading the letter a single tear dropped from my eye and onto the paper. All my mother's word confirmed everything about my father it just felt better coming from her. Now I knew what had happened to my mom and I would stop at nothing to get her back. If my father thought he could out on an act and get away with it he had another thing coming, but he was still my father still the man who had raised me all my life. I was so confused by everything within my life. Why couldn't anything be simple and easy.

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