Chapter 20- fireworks

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Chapter 20- fireworks

Life had been pretty boring since we had been found out, Dumbledore was gone and he couldn't protect anyone from Umbridge and her horrible ways. I had kept myself to myself limiting my connection to anyone we trained with in hopes that Umbridge wouldn't think we were still continuing. I could feel her eyes on us every time we talked as if we were planning against her. If it wasn't her stares it was that stupid squad she had put together which was mostly Slytherin. I couldn't physically look at Cho she had betrayed us all and in betraying us she had unknowingly got me knocked out unconscious by flying rubble.

“should I keep my distance?” Ginny said as I looked up at her at the dinner table.

“no have a seat, we get stared at if we sit separate, so let's sit together really give the something to talk about.” I said quite loud.

“shhh.” Ginny said as she sat down next to me. “i thought you were trying to keep under the radar.”

“That was the flying rubble that hit me talking.” I said a little bit louder as I returned to my normal level of speaking. “i'm tired of following her one hundred and one rules that she has.”

“we have to she's in charge.”

“i know she is Ginny, it just frustrates me.”

“as it does us all, please let's not have one of those mood swings you've been having, I think the rubble hit you really hard.” she said making me laugh.

“fine i'll keep my voice down and my opinions to myself, i'll be a good little witch.” I said as I dug into the food in front of me.

Dinner was over and I left Ginny to talk to some people as I decided to walk around the castle before returning to the dorm room. I saw Fred and George sitting there comforting someone, I walked over to them.

“what happened?” I asked them as Harry joined us with Charlie next to him who also had tears in his eyes like the boy with George and Fred.

“punished for running in the corridors and turning up to their lesson late.” Fred told me.

“is that right Charlie?” I said as I heard Harry talking to the other boy. I turned over his hand to see the writing and the black bruising.

“come here.” I said as I hugged him and I heard him sniffle a bit. Charlie was like my little adopted brother. I pulled away and looked at him. “it stops hurting after a while.”

“something to say Mr Potter?” I heard as I looked up and saw Umbridge standing there with a smile on her face as she walked away.

“i have plenty things to say to her, some not meant to be heard.” I said as he looked at me.

“i think we can think of something.” I heard George and Fred say.

“come on let's get back to the dormitories before we can be implicated in any of this.” I said as Charlie and his friend followed me.

Today was the day, it was finally the O.W.L.S. I was sat in the great hall listening to the clock tick, looking at my page. I knew some of the things but I hadn't had a chance to study recently. My mind has been on other things, and all I could see was Umbridge standing at the front of the room as the clock ticked behind her. I seriously think her standing there was just putting me off. I heard a bang from outside and turned around in my seat, facing my paper again I tried to remember what spells could be cast as counter spells to the list of defensive spells on the page. I heard another bang and turned around again in my chair. This had caught Umridge's attention who made her way to the door. My eyes followed Umridge as she walked to the doors of the great hall. I saw a spark in front of her face and heard a crackle. I had no idea what it was until the Weasley twins came flying in on the broomsticks and started dropping things that I realised that the crackle was a firework. The papers were knocked off my table and I stood up and watched the show unfold, I was laughing as I looked up at both of them. Out of everything they have done i've never seen them doing something as wild as this. I laughed as I saw fireworks chase Draco and his gang around the room before exploding where they had once stood making the shape of Draco's scared face. Then they did the best thing I ever could have witnessed them do, it was a giant dragon made out of fireworks and it started to chase Umbridge out of the room. I was laughing so hard I was crying as I found Hermione, Ron and Harry and ran outside with everyone else.

Umbridge was no where in sight anymore but I did see her run off with all her hair in a mess. I looked up as I saw the twins fly above the school and cheered after them, there was one last burst of fireworks with two W in the sky before they flew off on their broomsticks and disappeared. I was clapping and laughing until I was pulled away by someone. I was met by Draco's face.

“seriously what could you even want? Your inquistral squad or whatever is a joke, Umbridge has ran and left you with no commands to follow so what could you possibly want.” I said as I looked at him.

“Umbridge wants you in the office.”

“like I care what she wants i'm quite enjoying this moment.”

“she wants you in her office now.”

“seriously what are you going to do make me?” I asked him.

“yes.” he said as he grabbed me and put his wand to my back.

“get the others.” he told his little followers.

“i really wish I didn't have to threaten you with my wand, you should have just came with me.”

“if your want wasn't pointed to my back and you didn't have a hold of my hands this would be a completely different story. You know you don't have to do what she says, you're better than this.”

“am I?” he questioned me. “where do you think they got the idea for the room of requirement from before questioning Cho. I remember I told you about it once when we were in the astronomy tower, I just didn't think you would be dumb enough o use it for that.” For now I didn't really expect anything less of him. I quickly turned to face him pulling my hands out of his grasp.

“you're a coward Draco Malfoy, always following others. What? Can you not think for yourself? I'm glad we don't talk or whatever it was anymore because it would be frightful to call you anything but the enemy. You're fighting on the wrong side of the battle Draco.” I said as he pushed me threw the door of Umbridges office.

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