Chapter Twenty Five

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Aiden's POV 

I awkwardly sat next to Kat, driving her to the restaurant.

"So... what've you been up to this week?" I asked her.

"Aiden, you were there almost the entire time." She giggled.

"S-sorry, I don't know why I'm so nervous. I've only been nervous around you a few times."

"I suppose it's because we've always came at each other as friends. And, if you don't mind me asking, when do you get nervous around me?"

"Well, uh, when we first met. When I took you on that picnic date. If you can call it one. Right before we made out in this car." She blushed. "Which I would love to do again, by the way."

"I would too, but Ash would kill us if he found out."

"What's going on with you and him? Is everything all good?"

"Yeah. I guess. He's annoying and protective sometimes but most brothers are like that. Even if he was just aggravating and annoying, it's still better than being beat and burned by him."

"I know I haven't really been asking you these questions, and if you don't want to answer you don't have to, but are you okay at home? I know there must be some pretty bad memories."

"Yeah, well, what can I do about it? I'll remember, but I'm fine." I saw tears collect in her eyes. I don't want to push her, but I want to help.

I decided to drop it.

"We're here." I announced after I pulled into the restaurant parking lot. I escorted her in, my arm linked with hers, and I was proud to be able to call her mine. I knew lots of eyes were on her, and it was because of her beauty radiating off of her. "Excuse me," I waved to a passing waiter. I have a reservation."

The waiter moved his eyes up and down Kat's body, licking his lips.

"Under what name?"

"Gallagher." I seethed, pushing her behind me.

"Right this way." The man lead us to a table next to a window, which was over looking the street. "Here are your menus, my name is Collin, and I'll be your server for tonight. What drink can't I start you off with?"

"Er, I'll have a water, thanks." Kat said shyly. Collin started at her, making her shift uncomfortably.

"Same here." Collin smiled and went off to go grab our drinks. "You look beautiful." I gazed at my angelic princess before me. She blushed.

"Well you look handsome. I don't think I've ever seen you in a tux before."

"I have to dress up for my lady." She blushed deeper and slightly dug her head into her shoulder.

"Okay, here's the waters, and do we kno- oh!" Collin spilled the water all over Kat's breasts.

That little fuc-

"I am so sorry!" He apologized.

"It's fine, I got it."

"Let's me help." He lifted up a napkin and began dabbing her breasts.

"Hey!" I yelled, standing up. "Don't fucking touch her! I'll bust your ass." I threatened.

"Aiden, just-"

"Let's go."


"Let's Go!" I grabbed her hand and began marching her out, but not before Collin fucking smacked her ass. "You little bastard! How dare you touch my girl!"

"Your girl is fit, mate."

"Yeah. I know she is. But I'll fucking beat your-"

"Aiden, come on." Kat took my arm, forcing me away from him. "Why would you do that?!" She yelled at me after we got to the car.

"He was fucking-"

"Don't swear."

"He was touching you. What else am I supposed to do?!"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe kindly ask him to leave us alone?!" I looked at her, and saw the reservoirs holding back the tears in her eyes. My gaze softened.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"I'm fucking sorry too, but... oh, never mind."

"No, tell me." I put my hands around her waist. "What's wrong."

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"Kat. Tell me."

"It's just, there's a lot going on. Can I tell you later?"

"Yeah. But you will tell me later." She put her head on my chest. "Tell you what, Why don't we go get ice cream  and then I'll take you to the spot."

"The spot?" She sniffled.

"Yes. I was planning to take you after dinner, but let's just go grab some ice cream and go."

"Sounds Good." We hopped on the car, and after receiving our ice cream from a near-by place, I began to drive her to the spot.

"What's this spot like?" She questioned.

"Mm, let's just saw we already have memories there."

"We have memories every where around this town." She licked her ice cream.

"No! Don't eat it all yet!"

"Why? It's taking forever to get there."

"Not it's not. We're already here!" I stopped the car. She got out and faintly gasped.

"The place we had the picnic!"

"Our first date."

"Can we call it that?"

"I was counting it this whole time. So, yes. We can. And I figured we could look at the stars instead of the clouds this time." She smiled and sat down with me on the grass, eventually laying down on my outstretched bicep.

"It's beautiful." She sleepily murmured.

"So are you."

"That was really cheesy." She giggled.

"Oh ew, it was." I glanced over at her, and decided it was either know one never. "Er, Kat, could you stand up?"

"Why? Am I hurting you or something?"

"No, it's just I want this to be formal."

"What do you mean?" She stood up.

"I mean..." I got up, too, but stayed bent on one knee. "Kat, I love you. So much. And after seeing you fall and almost die and get surgery, and then me being hit by a car, I realized that I really don't know how long I'm going to have you. I never, ever want to loose you, I need you. So what I'm trying to say is that I know we're young, but will you promise me- oh shoot, I'm gonna cry - will you Uh, sorry, will you promise to be mine?"

I opened a little velvet box, revealing a promise ring. Kat's hand flew to her mouth, and tears streamed down her face as I gently took her hand.

"With this ring, I promise that you will never walk alone, you'll always be able to cry tears of joy or sadness on me, and you can always run to my arms. I love you, Kat." I slipped the ring on her finger.

"Aiden..." She pulled me up, interlocking our lips in a passionate and electrifying kiss. "Yes. Oh, a thousand times yes! I love you too." She admired her ring.

"I-It's me saying I love you." I told her about the engraving on the silver ring. "And mine," I fished it from my pocket. "Is you saying I love you." She pecked my lips.

"You're amazing." She cried.

"Please don't cry. Even if it's happy tears." I hugged her.

"Thank you. For everything. For this promise ring, for the date, for standing up for me. I love you."

"You're welcome baby. I love you too." I kissed her again, and everything in the world seemed perfect.

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