Chapter Thirteen

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Ashton's POV 

"Don't you see what you've done now?!" Aiden stormed at me.

"Me?! What have I done?!"

"You drove her away! I'm not putting  ideas in her head, I'm telling her the truth! You don' deserve her forgiveness, you don't deserve her at all!" He began chasing after Kat. "Just leave us alone, nothing that you do will ever mend your relationship!"

I suddenly felt a wave of rage wash over me, tears flooding me eyes and my leg voluntarily hitting the side of my car.

"Damn it!" I cursed, running my hands through my hair.

I screwed up, and I can't fix it.

Katrina's POV 

I ran down the sidewalk in a storm of tears and frustration, letting my emotions get the better of me again. 

I ran past the park and in a nearby forest, where my jeans were caught in a bramble. A large piece of fabric was caught onto the thorn, and I kept trekking on, tears half-blinding me. 

Everything is ruined.

Ashton and I's relationship is ruined, Aiden and I's relationship is ruined, my family is ruined, and I ruined them all.

"Ugh!" I kicked a tree, frustrated in myself. 

What am I going to do?

I want a nice, table relationship with Ashton, and I do feel like he's trying to have one, too, but Aiden is right in a way. I shouldn't be so quick to forgive, according to everything Ashton's done, but I need to have in open mind with him.

And I really, really like Aiden. I think. That's the problem, Ashton was right, Aiden is the first person who's shown true, real affection towards me in a long time, and I may just be so unaccustomed to it that I think that I love him.

I don't know, It's all too confusing to me.

"Kat?!" I heard Aiden yell out my name at the edge of the woods.

"Shit." I whispered, walking a little faster. I just don't want to talk to him right now. 

I found a large oak tree, and I scaled up it. I wiggled my way around, shimmied on branches and hoisted myself up until I was settled on a thick branch about 30 feet above the ground. 

"Kat? Please come out!" Aiden walked underneath me, tugging at his hair when I didn't answer. "Kat, please, I really need to talk to you." He begged. I was considering coming down, but as soon as I decided not to, a minor branch snapped off and it landed beside each him.

"Kat, baby, please come down."

"Leave me alone."

"No. When you come down and I get you to a safe place, then I'll leave you alone."

"Just for once do want I want, okay? And I want to be right here, alone." I felt the tree shake and I looked down to see Aiden climbing up.

"No! Stop it!"

"Kat, I'm not... gonna, ugh, make you sp- ow! spend, your time... up here, alone, and sad." He struggled to climb the tree.

"Why not? You had no problem doing it for two years." I mumbled.

"Hey, that's not fair."

"Neither is leaving me."

"You know I had no choice!"

"Do I? All I know is that we're two foolish kids who think we're in love. We think we know each other, we think that we're meant to be, but we probably aren't. Okay? Just leave me alone."


"I said leave me alone!" I tried climbing down, but failed. I tried to climb higher, but the branch above me was too high. And with Aiden blocking my path by sitting close to the trunk, I was stuck standing.

"Please sit down, I don't want you to get hurt."

"Shut up." I made a jump for the branch above me, and almost lost my footing when I came down.

"Don't, you're going to get hurt."

"I can do it!" Another jump. Anything to get away from him.

"Stop! You'll hurt-" he was cut off by me screaming. I had jumped again and completely fell off, plummeting 30 feet to the ground.

The last thing I heard before darkness conquered my body was Aiden's cries for me to stay awake, and right before I blacked out I felt his sweet and soft touch.

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