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We finished our chemistry class earlier than before. The teacher left the class and instructed us not to leave the class unless we hear the bell ring. I couldn't face my right side because that was where Jason was sitting. I just sat on my own but my cheek didn't stop changing color to deep red. "Anabelle and Twinkle mustn't See me like this." I thought.

"Hi," someone said bringing me out of my thought. I knew it was Jason so I looked up at him.

"Hey," I said back.

"I'm sorry I came to your locker without your permission." he apologized.

"Yea, it's okay." I answered and smiled.

"You're sure?" He asked and smiled back at me.
"Sure." I responded and faced my front. I didn't want to maintain eye contact with him.

"I was a little bit shy, that was why I dropped that message in your locker, but now I think I should say it with my mouth. Can you be my friend?" he asked and I had no choice than to raise my head to answer him.
I raised my head to see people staring at the both of us.

"Okay, let me go straight to the point." he continued.
"I really like you, and I have liked you since I came into this school and I don't know if you wouldn't mind being my girlfriend." he said and almost everyone in the class gathered and started clapping while the remaining few people just hissed while some looked at us with a killer eyes. Especially Claire and her group. They've dated almost all the guys in our class. And the funniest part is that they exchange even boyfriends. Funny right? That's their own lifestyle.

We've crossed paths so many times and they're always telling me I will fall into their trap one day. And now that the most handsome guy in the school is asking me out, I know I'm done for.

"Please," Jason cupped my face in his hand and raised my head up.
"Please Selena" he repeated and raised me up from my seat.

"But Jason," I called his name. I'm yet to tell my momma about it thought.

"Say yes please." he pleaded.
"Awwwn say yes." everyone In class pleaded too.
I looked at Anny and she nodded signalling I should say yes.
I looked at Twinkle too and she gave me an assuring look.

But I love him too, I thought in my mind.

"Yes." I answered and everybody shouted in jubilation, while some brought out their phone and started snapping us.
"Thank you Selena," Jason smiled and looked at me with a contented face.

"Congratulations." Anabelle and Twinkle said and smiled at the both of us.

"Thank you." we both answered and smiled back at them.

"I love you Selena." he said and hugged me.

"I love you too Jason." I answered and hugged him back.

I got home really excited about what happened in the class today.
"So I now have a boyfriend" I said to my self.
"So he loves me back," I screamed and fly to the bed.

"I love you Jason." I really do love him. But I'm yet to tell momma about it.

"How do I tell her now? That I have a boyfriend already or that I love this new guy in my class?"

I was about to go to momma when I received a text message from an unknown number.
The message goes like this

"Brave Selena, you can see you're finally in our trap. How dare you say yes to Jason. Well I don't have much to say to you. All I know is you're dead." after reading it, I just smiled and dropped my phone. I don't need anyone to tell me it's Claire's handwork. But I'm not afraid of her because I know she can do absolutely nothing. "I don't need to tell momma about this cause she's gonna start getting worried.

I ran to her room with smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach . I need to tell momma about it.
"Momma! Momma! Where is she? Is she not back from work?" I asked no one particularly. She works as a cleaner at a Climax hospital, not far from our house. She said she doesn't want to work at a far place because she doesn't want to leave me and she doesn't want me to miss the care of my mother like she missed hers when she was young.

"Momma!" I called out for her again, but louder this time.

"Yes baby," she answered from the kitchen. She's always in the kitchen.

"Momma, I have something to tell you."
"Yes, sweetheart, you once told me you wanted to tell me something so go on, momma is listening." she said giving me a lovely smile.

"Momma I have a boyfriend." I screamed and jumped up and down.
"What? You say what Selena?"
"Momma I said I have a boyfriend." I repeat.

"How come Selena, if they are talking about people that have boyfriend, you should hide your face because you're just too young for that." she said raising her hands and shaking her head.

"But momma, he just confessed to me today. I wanted to tell you about him yesterday that I love him momma, I love him."

"Keep quiet Selena, tell me, what do you know about love? You know nothing, absolutely nothing Selena. Your father claimed to love me and he left the both of us alone when I gave birth to you. He went away, to somewhere no one knows about. He didn't try to come back home since then, is that love? Tell me, is that what you want for your self?  Answer me now answer me!" she said with tears streaming down her eyes freely.
"I'm sorry momma, i'm really sorry. But I love him, and he loves me too. Stop crying now momma, please momma. My dad left you, but I won't leave you, I promise. I would never leave you alone. I love you more than anyone else momma." she didn't say anything, she just cleaned her face and ran to her room.

"Ugh, what have I done now?" I walked to my room and locked myself up.

Few hours later, I heard a knock on my door. Who could that be? Anabelle and Twinkle never told me they're coming over, and if it is my mum, she would have been shouting my name from downstairs.
I went to open the door for the person but I didn't wait for the person to come in before I went back to my bed.

Author's note.

A cliffhanger? I love that 😂😂😂

               Who could it be?
Could it be Anny?
                 Could it be Twinkle?
Could it be her mum, Hilda?
           Oooooorrrr could it be Jason?

            Tell us who you think it could be in the comment box.

Xo Xo Xo Xo  here we are again. How was that? 😋😋😋
                 Hope you liked it?

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                 I love you❤
Qwin A'aeesha.

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