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Author's note

Hi dear readers, it has come to my notice that most people just read without voting or commenting. I've not been seeing any comments. Most people don't even vote and it's not encouraging. So I've decided to stop publishing after this one chapter until I start seeing votes and comments. It doesn't take you anything to tap the vote button and to express your feelings towards the story, it's not easy for us to come up with ideas and later realise that people are not even appreciating us. Please always vote and comment, it gives me joy please. Thanks.


It's been three years now after Selena's death but I'm yet to believe she's dead.

She can't just die like that, she can't leave me all alone here. She used to be a fighter, she made my life beautiful and complete. Without her, i'm nothing.

She brought joy immensely to my life and she decided to take it back. "It's unfair Selena, it's unfair."

Even her mum made several attempts to commit suicide but she had always been caught by her brother Simon and sometimes me.

The first time I saw her with a small and short bottle containing some mixed chemicals, I guess.

Thank God she was yet to drink it. After I collected it from her, I promised to always be there for her and treat her like my mother.

Tomorrow would be twelfth of June and it's gonna be the third year after Selena passed away. Based on what I heard, I was told that ghosts do return after three years to check on their loved ones. And if they were murdered, they would come back to avenge their death and make sure they inflict pain on their murderer.

"It's strange but if it happens to be true, I await you and hope to see you tomorrow whether in my dream or reality.

I can't wait to see you and tell you how much we all miss you. I still love you so much."



It's been three years after the death of good for nothing Selena. She thought she can eat her cake and have it.

She has the effrontery to look into my eyes. Everyone in school apart from her fears me. They know the kind if person I am, so they all respect me, only her, Selena Benson.

She even had the guts to snatch Jason away from me. I warned her several times but she refused to let go. Now that she's gone Jason has no other option than to come back to me, his first love.

He was my best friend then, we grew up together. His mum and my mum were best friends and their agreement was to get us engaged after high school.

We were always together, we do things together and then I started falling in love with him gradually.

I never told him my feelings because I wasn't brave enough.

I was expecting him to feel the same but he never said anything like that so I decided to wait until he confesses his feelings.

I waited for years Jason never said anything. He treated me like his sister which I wasn't satisfied with.

I decided to express my feelings to him on the second of March which was my tenth birthday. I waited all night practicing how I was going to say it.

Finally the day came and I was so happy knowing fully that my first birthday wish was going to be from Jason as usual.

I took my phone to see if he had texted me but I didn't see anything.

Later I heard a knock on my door, I was over joyous when I heard the knock but when I opened the door it was my mum I saw.

I became worried but Later calmed myself down. "Maybe he has a different surprise for me this time around." I thought.

I waited for him till afternoon then I became worried and sad. Jason didn't call me not to talk of coming to celebrate my day with me. "This is unusual of him." I thought.

That was the worst birthday I've ever celebrated. I was angry so I decided not to go to his house to call him.

"How could he forget my birthday so fast?" I sat in the corner of my room and cried out my eyes.

Later at night, I heard another knock on my door. I quickly ran to the door hoping it was Jason but I opened the door to see Mary one of Jason's maid.

She handed me an envelope and turned back not saying anything.

After I collected the envelope, I knew it was from Jason so I anxiously opened it and read it out still crying.

A friend like you is more priceless than the most beautiful diamond. You are not only strong and wise but kind and thoughtful as well.

Your birthday is the perfect opportunity to show you how much I care and how grateful I am to have you in my life.

I hope your day is filled with lots of love and laughter. You shine everyday but on this day, you shall shine the brightest.

You make my life worth living, you bring smile to my face and you will forever be my best friend. Happy birthday princess.

I know this message will get to you late because I didn't want to spoil your day with this sad news.

It's actually an impromptu so please forgive me. My parents told me to pack my things that I'm leaving for London very early this morning.

I was heart broken because they didn't tell me about this before and I know you will be very sad when you ear about it as well.

They collected my phone and any other thing I can use to contact anybody.

I don't know when I'm coming back, but I'm surely going to be back for my princess. I hope you won't hate me after reading this letter. Stay strong for me bestie.

From your favorite, Jay.

I became weak after reading the letter, Jay left for London without telling me. I cried for months but later tried to be fine because he promised he would come back for me.

Author's note

        Tadaaaa 😂 surprise, so Claire and Jason were once best friends and he didn't tell us😕

     So sad we lost our favorite Selena, so sorry for the loss😢

   Jason promised to come back for Claire but why did he went for Selena and acted like he doesn't know Claire?😐

      Do you think he loved Claire as well before he moved to London?😎

     Does ghosts return after three years for real?😱
    Who killed Selena?🙅

   Watch out for the next chapter😁

      Don't be a silent reader please, do vote, comment your opinion and share with friends too. Thank you.

     I love you❤
Qwin A'aeesha

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