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I left him some minutes after he slept off, I know he's going to be heart broken when he wakes and find out I'm no more there. But he needs to understand I'm not human anymore, I have limited time I can spend on earth.

The other world is my home now so I need to go back. But before I go, I must visit one more person, my momma.

On getting to my mum's place, I met the house as neat as always.

I began to remember those beautiful moments we spent playing together like we're age mates.

Those days she will choose to bath me herself, those days we both go to the kitchen to prepare food but she ends up doing the cooking.

Those day I tried making her food but ends up making poison.

Those days we run round the house and scatter everywhere like kids.

Those days we argue and fight but after five minutes we become friends again.

I could recall the day I told her about Jason, when she shouted at me and came back to me to apologize for all she said to me.

She's my best friend, my mentor, the best mother anyone could ever have. She's just too good.

Tears rolled down my face as I stared at every corner of the house.

"I miss my momma."

I heard foot steps coming from the stairs. I'm sure she's the one. I can't just wait to see her. I cleaned my face and smiled.

Immediately I saw her my smile faded away. Tears made their way freely out of my eyes again.

"Momma." I whispered. She didn't See me because I made myself invisible.

My mum had changed a lot. She looks so lean, her hair looked tattered and rough. She doesn't have that beautiful smile on her face anymore.

She took one of my dusty pictures, she cleaned it and stared at it for awhile, she then kissed it and returned it back to its position.

She sat on the couch and rested her back on it.

"She must be deeply in thought. She needs me right now, she need someone to console her." I said to myself as I made myself visible to her.

"Momma," I called but she really was lost in her thought.

"Momma," I called again which brought her back to reality.

"My child." she whispered.

"Where is my child!" she cried.

"I'm right here momma," I answered her.

"I'm here for you." I walked up to her and sat with her.

"Don't cry momma, your daughter is here with you."

"Selena, are you here for real? Where have you been? Why did you leave me all alone here. Why didn't you stay with me like you promised?

Why did everyone decide to leave me? Your father left me with just you but then you left too."

"Don't cry momma, it doesn't fit you." I consoled her.

It wasn't my wish to go, but I was forced to leave by my so called friends Anny and Twinkle.

But now that I'm here, can you please give me that amazing smile of yours? I teased in other to make her smile.

"Thanks for coming back baby," she hugged me tight and smiled.

"Hmmm hmmm, don't get me wrong, I'm not back fully mum, I only have the grace to visit you every three years." with that she burst into tears again.

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