Chapter three

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Lucie had my back

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Lucie had my back. The only two factors we didn't include in our plan were Brooke's watchful eye and the already filled shot we had to get rid of. Perhaps I should rephrase. The only two factors I hadn't thought about were Brooke and the filled shot. Because every single time she drags me to the kitchen after she sees a frown on my face, Lucie steps in with a distraction I can only describe as priceless. Unsuccessful but priceless nonetheless.

The first time she used the 'OMAGOD look!' strategy, then she swiftly turned around and gulped down my shot. A great attempt but useless in the presence of Brooke. She mouthed an 'I'm sorry, I tried' right before I drank my punishment shot.

The second time she tried the 'tapping the opposite shoulder' strategy. Needless to say, it was another failed but very amusing attempt. 

The third time she told me to tell Brooke she walked back onto the dancefloor. I obliged. Right before Brooke turned around she duck behind the kitchen island and crawled around it. Brooke went looking for her in the crowd and as the saying goes, the third time's a charm, our attempt was very successful. Until Brooke came back and raised her eyebrow when I did the shot of water. I'm a terrible liar and it showed. The result was one - no- two more shots. Perhaps three? I kind of lost track when my mind started to bounce along with the music. My body thoughtlessly followed and now it's a collision of waves in an ocean of beats, uncontrollably following nature's will.

"Shots!" The message ringing through my ears immediately makes my feet spin me around and I quickly reposition myself as the room was starting to spin with me, making it seem like it was one of my, of course, fabulous, not drunk dance moves.

"One for you," Lucie hands me a plastic little cup with a blue liquid inside. I guess this will be five? Six perhaps? "And one for," she squints her eyes as she scans the room. I turn around when her eyes abruptly stop and a grin starts forming itself on her face. "You know, I always wonder how she does it. It's like she looks at them and they throw themselves at her feet." Lucie curiously considers the scenery of Brooke intimately dancing with something I can only describe as a surf god.

Good gracious, you go girl.

"I think they can sense it." My eyes are stuck on the flirtations going on a couple of feet in front of us, but I can see Lucie's short blonde locks bobbing in affirmation in the corner of my eye. "Although, it's probably the package. Her wild curls confidently swinging around her like a goddess and her smokey eyes practically sending a message to their brain 'you want me, and you know it'." There is a silence between us filled with the drums of the next song.

"She makes it look so easy." My head turns to watch her puzzled expression and curiosity pulls a grin onto my face.

"Lucie Bennett." My playful voice makes her tear her eyes away from the scenery between our roommate and the lover she chose for tonight.

"What?" Her ocean eyes innocently look at me.

"If you're planning on having your first one-night stand, please tell me and I will happily choose the perfect candidate." I would be more than excited to be her wing woman. 99 percent because she deserves to know she can just as easily make every man in the room swoon over her, and one percent because it would be a thrilling distraction. One that is slightly more responsible than the booze in my hand.

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