Chapter 8

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Omkara parked his car in roadside. He locked the car and moved into an isolated area . Dark forest.
He could only hear his own steps and some voices from the crickets .

He reached a building resembling a godown. The shutter gave a weird music out of the rusts that have been caused by aging.

He started descending the steps taking him to the underground.

" Sir , you came? " A man in black outfit that resembled a bodyguard asked.

" Khanna, where is that son of a bi$@h ? " Omkara's sound was filled with anger and disgust.

Khanna led him to a dark place. There a man was tied to a chair. Blood been dripping from various places denoting that he has been thoroughly been tortured by the henchmen.

" You dirty pig, tell me who gave you f$&@ing money to do that ?" Omkara clutched on his collar and roared.

" I am not going to say a word. Do whatever you want." The man barked back.

Omkara poured salt water on him. He flinched and hissed with the contact of it with his wounds. Still he managed to let out evil laugh.

"Khanna seems like he is a loyal dog to his master. Find details about his family." Omkara whispered to Khanna.

" Sir we have already collected information. He has got a brother studying in college. He has kept him protected away from the world. We have our men in that college and hence we got the info." Khanna told Omkara and enlightened him with more information.

" Naren.. tell me about your master and we will spare  Shiv your dear brother. " Omkara smirked.

The evil smile from Naren dropped and his eyes showed fear .

" What?? Got scared?? I heard sometime before that we can do anything? See this is what we can do." Omkara kept his right leg on the chair where Naren was tied to and bend his body close to him.

" I will tell everything." Naren told while shivering.

" Good.. now start and vomit all the truth."



Gauri took her bag and along with Chaachi she entered the house. The house where she used to live while she was doing her schooling. The house where she had good memories. Where her Papa used to come with presents. Now no one will come with presents for her. The very thought made her eyes filled with tears. She had already lost her mother now her Papa too.

" Gauri dear.. " Her Chaacha wiped her tears off. " Don't. You have me and your Chaachi as your parents dear. We are like your Papa and Mamma . You take rest now. You must be tired." Chaacha took her bag and led her into room .

" Your room has been cleaned and arranged . Freshen up and have something. Then take rest. " Chaacha told before leaving.

Gauri took her dress from the bag and moved to the bathroom to freshen up.

Gauri turned on the shower . Water came down with a force and started wetting her. The tears and water fall down without break . After an hour she dried herself and put on the clothes and came out.

" Gauri beta, have this . I have prepared it specially for you. " Chaachi  brought a thali filled with food and a glass of milk.

" Chaachi , I don't feel like having anything. " Gauri was in no mood to fill her tummy .

" Beta, What has to be happened is happened. You can't deny that. But you have to be strong . Your dad won't be happy if you don't eat this . At least drink this milk." Chaacha told her who came with Chaachi.

Gauri had the milk and kept the glass in her side table.

Chaacha picked up the glass and bid good night to her and left the room with his wife.

" How long will she be with us? We are not that rich to pay for her studies and take care of her. We have our daughter Nandini also to be taken care of. " Chaachi spoke to Chaacha in a low voice.

" You don't worry about that. You look into your own things." Chaacha spoke in anger.

" This is also my issue. This will affect my family. She is a bad luck. She killed her mother and was born . Her Dad died when she became 18 years old . Who else will she kill?" Chaachi lost all her cool.

" Mandagini.... stop. We will discuss everything later. It's been only a day she has been here and you started . What is your mindset? If this was in your mind why did you force her to come with you?" Anand asked her .

" Because she will be living in that house alone and people will start asking me why didn't you take her with me. I had to save my face. If I hadn't brought her with me she will live in that outhouse where that Doctor Who is a bachelor will be living . People will start making stories and it can in turn affect me. " Mandagini told while arranging the clothes.

" Waah.. what a player you are? For that you have brought her here and now you are asking me how long she will stay here? She will stay here how much ever she wants . If you have problem with that until her studies are done I will make her stay in hostel."
Anand suggested her .

" Arein... no need of that . We will have to pay for hostel rent and that will be too much. Better she will stay with us."  Mandagini told.

" Waise are you planning to send her to college? " she asked him in doubt.

" Why what's wrong in that? She has already been going to college and why would I stop?"

" She was doing college not here na? She was doing it in Mumbai.  That's why I asked "

" We can transfer her college . She is good in academics . So it will easy for her college transfer. " Anand suggested.

" Hmm." Mandagini told without interest. She was totally not happy with the idea. She weaves some wicked plans in her evil mind.


" I was given money by ... " Naren was fumbling.

" Tell you pig." Omkara kicked him .

" Piyush."

End of Chapter 8

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