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a month passed. then two. then three, and it was getting cold outside, and there were no longer any leaves to cover the trees to keep them safe from the chill. he sat outside on his porch, staring at the gloomy sky. he knew that his self pity was getting him nowhere. he looked around aimlessly, freezing when he noticed a boy walking down the street. the boy had brown hair and a smirk set on his deliciously red lips. corbyn shivered , and jonah, as if he had felt the small movement, turned to stare at the blond, smirking at him. "hey, blondie, come here!" he called, his voice seemingly sensual.
corbyn looked around to making sure that jonah was addressing him. he stood up, walking over, clad in a deep green jumper and jeans. he ended up being near jonah, not knowing why. jonah stared forward at the horizon, and corbyn turned to do the same. "you stare at me a lot." jonah said simply, leaving it at that. he analyzed the hills and houses littering the land, and corbyn flushed red. "you smoke a lot." he retorted, his eyes trained on a brown house. it had shutters. corbyn can recall thinking about the purpose of having the damned things. they just looked odd.
jonah didn't reply for a minute, nodding slowly. "yeah, i do." he said, pulling a pack out of his pocket. "you should try it sometime, maybe it'll get you to loosen up...or is that because of daddy?" he teased, a smirk making its way back onto his face. he inched a bit closer until their arms were brushing and even through the two jackets, corbyn was stunned by the feeling. it was new, exotic. corbyn shivered, shaking his head. "no, they're disgusting." he said, his nose scrunching up as he thought about the poison.
"what a terrible way to kill your body. you're too pretty for that." he said the last part on accident, swallowing thickly, he wondered if anyone had ever used the word pretty to describe jonah. the older seemed to ponder, mulling over corbyn's words. "i dunno, gotta die of something, right?" he asked almost too quietly. there was a hint of agony in his voice, but the boy shook it off. "maybe you should let me show you a good time. i bet i could get you to relax." he said seductively, dipping down so his lips were by corbyn's ear. "and daddy doesn't need to know."
corbyn shook his head, pulling back. "i'm sorry, but that's not...no." babbling, he pushed past jonah and tried to run towards the house, stumbling and nearly falling twice. he rushed inside, squeezing his blue eyes shut before moving to the window where he stared at the brunette boy that was staring back at him. he nodded, lighting a cigarette and placing it between those lips in an almost challenging way. like he were saying "you want me to stop? come give me a good reason."
and that's the funny thing about it all. he knew that he should run out there and throw all of jonah's cigarettes away. but he couldn't. he couldn't help but watch as he lit the cigarette, breathing in the toxins and blowing out the smoke. corbyn slowly drew the curtains.
another month passed of mindless staring and stupid smirks and pointless blushing, and jonah hadn't spoken to corbyn once.
there was a day when corbyn felt particularly gutsy, and he walked up to jonah after school when no one was around. he just stood next to him, staring down the empty hallway. jonah smirked. "hey, blondie." he said slowly, shutting his locker.
corbyn swallowed, taking in a deep breath. "hello." he said, his gaze changing to his feet. "you've not been around." jonah accused, and corbyn frowned because of course he had. he hadn't gone anywhere. he hadn't done anything. "yes i have." he snapped, covering his mouth as soon as the words escaped. he could still taste them on his togue.
jonah shrugged, pulling out a cigarette. "you're not allowed to have that here." he all but whispered, glancing up at jonah. he shrugged again, walking down the corridor. "if it makes you feel any better, i won't light it while we're inside." he said.
jonah kept true to his words, waiting until he was outside to light the cigarette, taking a slow, lazy drag. "try it." jonah offered, putting the poisonous thing right in front of corbyn's lips. he shook his head, touching jonah's arm gently to push it away. "no, i'm okay." he replied, and jonah shrugged for yet a third time, taking a couple more drags. "you're too hot to be so prude." jonah said simply, stomping out his cigarette before walking over to his motorcycle. "need a ride home, blondie?" was the next thing out of his mouth.
corbyn shook his head, watching jonah ride off on the bike. it took him half an hour to walk to his house.
corbyn was on his best behavior for the next month without a taste of jonah, answering frequently in math class, trying to get jonah to notice him when they weren't alone.
corbyn sighed when it didn't work, hanging his head in shame.
that friday, corbyn had actually managed to get permission to go out with his friends. they went downtown to go bowling. daniel had won, and corbyn had lost. this was never a surprise. corbyn sighed when it was over, texting his mum to tell her that he had a ride home.
he wasn't sure what made him begin to walk down the street, analyzing alleys and building made of brick. he didn't know what part of him had convinced his conscious mind to go towards a bar, but it happened. and he was glad. he looked down the alley. there was a fakery beautiful woman in nearly no clothing. hooker, his mind warned. and there was a man smoking a joint behind her. it looked like she was trying to convince him to go back to his place. corbyn looked past them though to where a boy was pinned to the wall. his eyes widened in alarm when the familiar man was punched.
his body began moving automatically, and he rushed over, pushing in between jonah and the man, using his own frail body as a shield in an attempt to save jonah. the man snickered, muttering an annoyed 'this isn't over, marais.'
corbyn didn't know what to do while he stared at the beaten up boy. he sighed. "jonah... what should i do with you?" he asked to which he was given a slow, pained shrug. "answer me, jonah." he said sternly. "i need to get you cleaned up." he said.
jonah didn't reply, staring at the blond boy tiredly. after a couple minutes he pushed off the wall, stumbling and leaning on corbyn for support. "my place is around the corner." he slurred.

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