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corbyn stumbled out to the bar, slipping on a pair of white converse. he looks around, familiarizing himself with the alcohol. he gets up google on jonah's phone, leaning against the counter and waiting for the doors to open.

about half an hour later, there are a few random middle aged men scattered throughout the club. he looked at each of them, trying to convince himself that none of them were sketchy and that he'd be completely fine.

when a younger man came in and sauntered over to the bar, corbyn bit his lip, looking up at him. "hi, what can i get you?" he asks nervously, and the man raises his eyebrows.

"well, you can start by getting me a rum and coke." he says before nodding. "and after that, i'd quite like to get you on my dick." he adds bluntly, and corbyn flushes red.

he goes and gets both the rum and a coke, following the websites simple instructions before giving him the drink. "that'll be $14.50 please." he says simply, and the guy nods.

"i'll give you a nice tip if you hop up here and let my slip it in your waistband." he says lowly and corbyn rolls his eyes, biting his lip again. he hops up, and the guy puts a five in corbyn's waistband, snapping it.

"thanks, blondie. i'll be back for that ride." he says seriously, and corbyn chuckles.

"maybe another time, cowboy." he says, surprised to hear the words fall from his mouth.

as soon as the man walks away he laughs breathlessly, his cheeks bright red.
jack came a second later, sauntering out onto the stage in red lingerie and black stockings. corbyn let out a shaky breath, his eyes roaming his new friends curves. he admired how graceful and sexy jack looked, a smirk present on his face.
and it looked like the men were absolutely entranced by jack's hips. corbyn flushed pink, tearing his eyes away from jack when another patron came up to the bar, ordering a drink.
corbyn made the drink, trying to be quick, and smiling up at the man. "there you go." he said with a smile.
the night seemed rather slow, not too crowded or anything.
corbyn felt more at home behind the bar then he had assumed he would, serving the men with a smile on his face, swaying his hips a bit more then he normally would.
when jonah went on stage, he stared, eyes glued to his boyfriend's body, ears tinted pink. he watched the entire act, his eyes hungrily drinking in every bit of jonah marais. he couldn't tear his eyes away from jonah's hips.
when jonah was done, he winked down at the crowd before slapping his own ass and sauntering off of the stage.
corbyn didn't recover the entire night, his mind still stuck on jonah's sinfully delicious abs. it really wasn't fair how absolutely gorgeous he was. when the club closed, corbyn wiped down the bar, making sure everything was orderly before disappearing backstage, looking for jonah.
"hey, corbyn." he heard from beside him, turning to spot jack.
he smiled, "you looked absolutely lovely on stage." he commended, leaning up to kiss his cheek, "red is a nice color on you." he added after, chuckling.
"why thank you, sweetheart. that means a lot coming from a sexy young thing like you." he teased, ruffling his hair, "now, have you seen zach? he closed the show, so he's hard. we all have to get a bit worked up before we get on stage. the clients prefer us hot and bothered." he explained. "and i'd like nothing more then to suck my boyfriend's cock." he added the last part bluntly.
corbyn just shook his head, frowning a bit. jack huffed, mumbling something to himself before prancing away, going off to search for zach.
corbyn walked around slowly, smiling when he saw jonah in his sweatpants and t-shirt, a cigarette in his mouth. he smiled around the poison, walking over, "hey, love." he said softly, taking the cigarette from his mouth to kiss corbyn's temple.
"you're incredibly hot." he blurted out.
jonah laughed, shaking his head and raising his eyebrows. "you weren't aware before?" he teased, ruffling the blonds hair.
"no. of course i was aware before, jonah." he said a bit defensively, looking down at his feet.
"aw, babe. don't be like that. i was just kidding.
"i don't know what to do with the tips." he said. "so i brought them back here. do we like split them or something?" he asked, not responding to jonah's comment.
jonah shook his head. "no, corbyn, babe. the tips are yours. you get to keep them." he said, and corbyn's eyes widened, his head snapping up, his eyes meeting jonah's.
"what!?" he asked loudly, completely shocked.
"you earn your tips. everyone here gets to keep all of their own tips." he explained, kissing corbyn's cheek. a grin spread across corbyn's face.
"wow" he said. "so do you reckon that i have a job now?" he asked. "as a bartender, i mean." he clarified, and jonah nodded. "by the looks of it, the crowd loved you." he said.
corbyn nodded, putting his tips in his jean pockets before changing back into his normal clothes. he stared at himself in the mirror, and for the first time in his life, he felt like he knew himself. it wasn't a stranger staring back at him.
once they were back home, corbyn counted his tips and set most of it on the counter. "for rent." he said. "i'll have to cover half of course. but for now, this is my downpayment." he explained, watching as jonah put it in an envelope.
"i'll have to trade them in for larger bills." he explains. "or, i suppose we can just put it in my account? that's usually how i pay. i write a check." corbyn nodded. "yeah, okay. you can do whatever is easiest." he said, smiling.
jonah nodded. "you should get some sleep. you have school in the morning." he said, running a hand through his hair.
corbyn frowned deeply, scrunching his nose up a bit. "you mean that we have school in the morning." he argued, and jonah looked away, avoiding eye contact.
"no. jonah marais, you did not." he said, sounding positively furious.
jonah shrugged pulling out a cigarette and going outside, not responding. corbyn made an annoyed sound before stomping right out after him.
"jonah! please tell me that you didn't." he said, sounding a bit softer, pleasing almost. and jonah spun around, shrugging dramatically.
"it's my decision, corbyn. i'm emancipated and i'm old enough. it isn't your choice." he argued, and corbyn almost slapped him for being so fucking stupid.
"but you can't just drop out of bloody school! how do you expect to go to university!?" he demanded, and jonah laughed bitterly.
"you honestly think that's an option for me?" he snapped. "i barely make rent, corbyn. how do you expect me to pay for university?" corbyn shut up a bit at that, looking down.
"you can't be a stripper forever." he pointed out. "they have programs. and loans. you need to come back and finish. there's only a couple of months left, really." he explained, finally understanding why jonah hadn't been coming to school.
he shrugged. "this isn't the time to be fighting about this, corbyn. go get some sleep." he said, an air of finality to it.
corbyn nodded, blinking once before disappearing inside, dragging a blanket out and setting up a bed on the couch.
he was so annoyed with jonah's lack of faith in his future, and the last thing that he wanted that night was cuddles. he passed out quickly, sleeping restlessly the whole night.
he woke up in their bed, face smashed against jonah's chest, and he sighed.


i'm so sorry i've been working and studying for exams ),:

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