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months passed, and corbyn slowly gained strength. he had nightmares less frequently, he attended all of his classes, and he got his life back on track. daniel had been the most amazing support that he could have ever asked for and the entire family had made space for him at a time when he had felt unlovable.
school was almost done, and corbyn could feel all of the a-level stress creeping in. he decided that going to school for writing would be perfect. he had been writing nonstop. he felt like there were so many words inside of him that desperately needed to come out.
and so he let them.
one weekend, on a whim, he decided to go along with the seavey's to the church that had contributed so much to his anxiety in his life. he avoided eye contact with his family, not wanting to see them and deal with the shattered remains of the family.
the sermon had been about loving everyone just as jesus does. corbyn smiles, imagining a world where everyone is free and happy.
afterwards, they walk outside, and daniel tenses beside him, wrapping an arm around corbyn's shoulders, and at first, corbyn didn't understand, but he followed daniel's gaze to see a boy leaning against the outside of the church wearing dark jeans and a button up shirt. he looked beautiful, the sign lighting up his solemn, blue eyes.
corbyn stops, and daniel tries to pull him along, but he shakes his head.
"corbyn, come on. he isn't worth your time and you-"
"dani, i just want to say hi. i just want to make sure that he's okay." corbyn assures, leaning over to kiss his cheek before slipping out of his grasp and walking over, standing about five feet away from the infamous jonah marais.
they just stared for a while, neither knowing how to begin.
"fancy seeing you here." he says, and jonah just shrugs, remaining quiet for a moment as if he's deciding whether or not to divulge a secret.
"i've been here every week for a month. fancy seeing you here." he retorted, and corbyn looks shocked, his mouth agape.
"why were you-"
"i was waiting for you to come back. to the church, i mean. i know that seavey's family is really religious, so i figured you'd come out eventually." and corbyn frowns a little.
"what do you want, jonah?" he demands, and jonah shrugs, staring at the ground.
"i'm almost six months clean, and i quit cigarettes. and i got my high school diploma online." his voice gets quieter with every word, and corbyn feels a swell of pride.
without thinking, he moves forward to hug him, squeezing gently.
"i'm really proud of you, jonah. that's amazing." he whispered, and jonah nodded.
"i figured that i could at least try to be the man that you wanted.." he said, and corbyn, again, is shocked.
"jonah, i-"
"let me take you out on a date. we can start over." he pleads, and corbyn can feel the sincerity.
"i can't move in with you, i'm staying with daniel until i go off for uni." he says, and jonah nods.
"no, i understand. it's just a date, corbyn. just dinner." he promises.
"and then it's your call from there."
jonah is about to give up hope as the minutes pass, leaving a stretch of silence, eventually, he speaks.
"hi, i'm corbyn besson. i'm a senior, and i'm in my last year of school, and i'm crazy stressed about a-levels. your tattoos are cool." he says, in a feeble attempt at starting over. jonah grins.
"hi, i'm jonah. i work as a stripper to pay for online classes. i'm thinking about going to uni to study art. i used to be a massive fuck up, but i've turned my life around. and i'd very much like to take you on a date." jonah responds, and corbyn is stunned by how jonah really does sound like an entirely new person.
"i'd like that." he says, and he leans up to kiss jonah's cheek as they stand in the shadow of the church. maybe everything would be alright, after all.

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