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two weeks later, corbyn stared at jonah, pulling on one of jonah's jumpers and a pair of jeans. jonah was changing too, into a pair of trackies and a hoodie. pulling on his leather jacket, he walked over to corbyn, leaning down to kiss him softly. "not a big deal." he promised, nodding.

corbyn sighed, running a hand through his hair, you are a horrible person." he said, pecking him once. "let's go." he added, pulling away and looking around the flat again. jonah nodded, wrapping an arm around his waist. "and just so you know, the other dancers are friends. and they're characters. just don't take any of them too seriously, okay?" he said, kissing corbyn's temple. the blond nodded, leaning into jonah's side and inhaling deeply.

he had grown accustom to the smell of cigarettes, and it no longer bothered him. he let jonah lead him down to the motorcycle. he got on behind jonah, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist, putting on his helmet as well.

corbyn quite liked riding on the back of jonah's motorcycle. he liked watching things as they flew past him. he liked knowing that if jonah did one thing wrong, he could very well be dead. that fact would freak people out, but not corbyn. he found it incredibly exhilarating. he felt like he was flying.

a few minutes later, they were parked in front of a club. corbyn pulled his helmet off, looking up at the sign. he sighed, shaking his head before standing up. he reached for jonah's hand, interlocking their fingers. he waited for jonah to pull him inside, walking to the back, through a door that read 'performers only' in glittery black letters.

corbyn looked around wide eyed. there was hair and makeup chairs and different racks all filled with costumes and a large couch, and there were a couple of people there, all of whom were young attractive men. corbyn flushed red.

in seconds, an attractive boy with somewhat feminine features was on his feet, walking over and pecking jonah, gushing about how much he had missed him. jonah nodded, ruffling the man's hair before explaining that he needed to have nick fix him up.

jack nodded, watching jonah walk off before turning to corbyn. "and who might this be?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. he chuckled, taking his hand. "i'm jack, and you, my dear, are the cutest thing that i've ever laid eyes on." he said, giving corbyn a look over his body and face. until that moment, corbyn hadn't really taken him in. he was only in boxers; his body looked soft and a little curvier than most men. corbyn smiled awkwardly.

"so, what's your name, sweetie?" he asked, a smirk on his lips. corbyn bit his lip, flushing bright red. "i'm corbyn." he said. jack took his hand, pulling him to the couch, laughing excitedly. "don't be embarrassed, i'm perfectly okay with your staring. i'm pretty, right?" he said, pushing corbyn down before sitting on his lap.

"so, corbyn. you're jonah's boyfriend? i'm assuming boyfriend because jonah wouldn't bring just anyone here. only someone that he trusted." he said slowly. "and you are beautiful. i'd love to touch you." he said simply, leaning in to peck him. "creamy skin...mmmm." he said, chuckling. "but you're a bottom boy, right? maybe not. do you like to top?" he asked, playing with the collar of corbyn's jumper.

corbyn was at a loss for words, frowning deeply. "i-i dunno." he stumbled out, and jack nodded. "but you do think that i'm pretty, right? you'd like to feel me? i'm quite soft." he said, and corbyn squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, not knowing how to react to the situation.

"corbyn, you aren't answering me, sweetie." he said, and corbyn opened his eyes slowly, shrugging. "yeah, you're absolutely beautiful." he said, feeling his blush all the way through his ears. jack giggled, taking his hand. "you can feel if you'd like. jonah doesn't mind, he knows that i'm harmless." he said, pulling corbyn's hand to his waist, grinning down at him.

corbyn frowned, swallowing thickly. "calm down, corbyn. we're just friends is all. and i'm very sexually open. and i like to give pretty boys like yourself a little.. something extra." corbyn just stared at him. "god dammit, sweetie. you can touch me, it's okay, baby." he said, chuckling.

corbyn shook his head, still confused. jack leaned in to kiss at corbyn's jaw. "come on, you know you want to." he said with a chuckle, kissing up to his lips, pecking him again. corbyn laughed uneasily, looking around, his hands still on jack's waist. "you're a good guy, thinking about jonah, right?" he said. "jonah wouldn't mind. he understands that i'm a little weird. i approach friends differently then most people. i like being touched. not even in a sexual way. it just makes me feel pretty." he explained, chuckling.

corbyn chuckled again, biting his lip. "you're very handsy." he agreed, and jack nodded. "of course i am." he said. "i like it when pretty boys pay attention to me." he said. "just ask my boyfriend. he's around here somewhere. zach?!" he called out, looking around, waiting a minute before a grin spread across his face.

he was off of corbyn's lap in seconds, running over to hug an average height, brunette haired boy in a pair of sweatpants. "look! jonah has a boyfriend, and he's precious!" he said excitedly, pulling the boy over. "corbyn, this is the love of my life, zach herron." he said, and corbyn stood, smiling a bit awkwardly.

"hi." he said with a chuckle, running a hand through his hair. "it's nice to meet you." he said, and zach nodded, smiling. "i'm sorry about him. he's just a bit different is all. i hope he didn't make you uncomfortable." he said, his voice low and effortlessly sensual. corbyn shrugged. "he's not making me uncomfortable, i just have never met someone who wants me to feel him up." he said, chuckling.

zach laughed. "well, i bet you get loads of men who want to feel you up, you're gorgeous." he said. "jonah found a keeper, i'd say." he said, sitting down on the couch, pulling jack onto his lap. "i'm a dancer as well. are you? you'd have loads of regulars." he said, and corbyn shook his head rapidly. "oh no, definitely not. i don't... no." he said, laughing awkwardly.

zach nodded. "that's a bummer. i'd love to see you around here in a costume." he said, smiling down at jack affectionately while the other boy kissed at his cheek. they were completely adorable and undeniably strange.

corbyn watched them with a small smile, cooing a bit. jack looked over, raising his eyebrows. "you think we're cute. thank you." jack said, reaching over to caress corbyn's cheek. "i hope jonah has been taking good care of you, corbyn. has he? do i need to fix him up?" he asked with a chuckle, leaning his head on zach's chest.

"jonah has been lovely." corbyn assured. "i wish he wasn't so stupid and careless, but he's absolutely lovely." he explained, nodding. jack nodded, smiling at him. "i'm glad. so, are you excited to watch him dance?" he asked curiously, tilting his head to the side.

corbyn was quiet for a minute, "not exactly." he admitted, looking down at his hands unsurely. jack reached over to ruffle his hair. "it's really not like a big thing." he said softly. "honestly, i bet he thinks of you the entire time." he pointed out, chuckling. "corbyn, we're performers. we perform. and trust me, i like attention a shit ton more then the next guy, and i'm still thinking of zach. because he's my everything." he said softly, smiling wide. "it's really nothing to worry about."

corbyn nodded, smiling at him. "now, just as a question. should i wear blue or red or pink tonight?" he asked, raising his eyebrows, and corbyn laughed, shrugging. "i dunno. what colour do you prefer?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"what color do you prefer?" he asked again, staring directly at corbyn. "red, i guess." he said, and jack nodded, smiling. "thanks, sweetie. i'm rather indecisive at times." he explained, and corbyn nodded. running a hand through his hair.

"you look overwhelmed." zach noted, chuckling. "not your scene, yeah?" he asked, raising his eyebrows, and corbyn shook his head rapidly. "no. i've never stepped foot inside of a club. ever. i like to read and watch netflix and cuddle, and i've never been to a club before." he rambled, and jack chuckled. "you should let us give you a stripper makeover." jack said.

corbyn stared at him for a minute before breaking out in a fit of giggles. "i'm just here to watch my jonah dance. i'm definitely not a stripper." he said, shaking his head. "we're looking for a bartender." zach pointed out. "we could still sex you up, you just wouldn't be on stage." corbyn stared at him again. "i also don't know shit about alcohol, just because i'm dutch, doesn't mean that i'm practiced in the art of making drinks. i like to cuddle and read books, remember?" he pointed out.

(i know that isn't a dutch stereotype but just go with it)

zach shook his head. "you could learn. and you could keep an eye on your boy." he added. "keep jonah out of trouble. just think about it." corbyn rolled his eyes, nodding dismissively, smiling when jonah came in with all of his fading bruises out of sight. he walked over, pulling corbyn up so that he could sit down with the blond on his lap.

"so, i see you've been chatting with zach and jack, the most unconventional and adorable couple ever." he said, winking at zach who just rolled his eyes. corbyn nodded slowly. "uhm yeah, we're well aquatinted." he said, shrugging and jonah nodded once.

"so, come with me. i need to pick out something to wear." he said, kissing corbyn chastely, staring at him with a smirk, and corbyn swallowed thickly. "jesus christ, i cannot handle this." he muttered before standing up, following jonah closely.

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