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the brunette didn't show up to school that week, and corbyn grew more and more worried by the day. he was nervous about the shape that jonah was in. he shook his head, walking home each afternoon, looking around the streets, wanting to be met with bluish grey eyes. it never happened.

he laid in bed on a friday night, squeezing his eyes shut. he shook his head. he was exhausted and afraid. he had been met with malicious nightmares each night when he shut his eyes. watching the brutal murder of a beautiful boy with beautiful eyes and a sardonic smirk. he would walk over, taking the last bit of life from the dying frame of the man that he so desperately wanted to save.

and each morning he'd wake, bags under his crystal clear eyes and anxiety in his normally calm heart. he didn't sleep that night, walking to daniel's house and calling him out, asking daniel to drive him downtown.

"no, corbyn. it's nearly midnight. i shouldn't even be out here." daniel kept saying, shaking his head over and over again, but corbyn was persistent. and eventually daniel just gave corbyn his keys. "whatever you do just don't...don't get in a car accident. i need the car by tomorrow afternoon. i have a date." he said, pulling corbyn in for a kiss on the cheek. "stay out of trouble." he said lowly.

corbyn nodded, thanking him before jogging to the truck, getting in and speeding downtown and to jonah's apartment, getting out and running up to jonah's door, banging on it until it was answered. "jonah." he said breathlessly, staring at the bruised and bloodied boy. his face fell, and he came in, pulling jonah to the couch.

"let me help you." was all he said, his head swimming in circles.

the boy just stared at him, his eyes nearly swollen shut. he sniffled, opening his mouth to speak, but the blond shook his head, looking down. "no, shhhhh." he said softly, getting up to go run a bath for the chocolate haired boy.

he stared at the clear water, deep in thought. why? why would anyone want to hurt jonah. why would a single person on this earth want to hurt such a beautiful boy. corbyn couldn't answer the question. there was no answer. they just sat there in corbyn's head, tucked away and haunting him. he stood up abruptly, looking around before walking back to jonah. "come on." he said softly, leading him to the bathroom.

jonah avoided eye contact, waiting for a bit before cautiously discarding his shirt. corbyn watched him cringe in pain while his shirt fell to the floor. the expanse of jonah's chest and back was covered in blues and yellows and purples, vicious bruises from harsh hits. the blue eyed boy reached out slowly, running a hand down jonah's arm.

the touch was reassuring and kind, it was corbyn's promise. he was promising jonah that it was okay, that it would get better. he adverted his eyes when jonah hooked his thumbs in his shorts, and he couldn't help but blush when he heard jonah's familiar chuckle.

it was only after jonah was in the water that corbyn looked at him again. "let me help you." he said again, and jonah just shook his head. it was frustrating for corbyn to watch someone so free and strong to be struck down. and jonah of course, wouldn't let him help.

corbyn squeezed his eyes shut. "jonah, i swear." he said lowly. "you will let me help you. i will not let you be out on the streets. you get in enough trouble as it is." he hissed. the darker boy was taken aback by that. his eyes were distant, and he shrugged. "corbyn, i'm fine." he argued.

the blond shook his head. "wash up, i'll be back in like ten minutes. there's no way you have any food right now. i'll go get a bit of food for you, and maybe some painkillers." he said softly, getting up and leaving the room.

it only took a few minutes to get to a grocery store. corbyn swallowed thickly, stepping out into the cold night. he kept his head down, pulling his hood up. he walked in, grabbing foods that would last jonah a while and a bottle of ibuprofen before checking out and driving back to jonah's.

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